- J. Optim. Theory Appl. v.38 Necessary conditions of optimality for a class of second order hyperbolic systems with spatically dependent controls in the coefficients N.U.Ahemd
- Pitman research notes in Mathematics series 184 Optimization and identification of systems governed by evolution equations on Banach space N.U.Ahemd
- J. Optim. Theory Appl. v.80 Optimal control for infinite-dimensional uncertain systems N.U.Ahmed;X.Xiang
- SIAM J. Control Optim. v.35 no.5 Nonlinear uncertain systems and necessary conditions of optimality N.U.Ahmed;X.Xiang
- Nonlinear Anal. v.11 Necessary and sufficient conditions for L₁strong-weak lower semicontinuity of integral functionals E.Balder
- Differential Integral Equations v.10 no.2 Grobal solvability for damped abstract nonlinear hyperbolic systems H.T.Banks;D.S.Gilliam;V.I.Shubov
- Well posedness for damped second order systems with unbounded input operators H.T.Banks;K.Ito;Y.Wang
- Estimations Techniques for distributed parameter systems H.T.Banks;K.Kunisch
- Espaces topologiques, Fonctions multivoques C.Berge
- Doctoral Thesis, Kobe Univ. Optimal control problems for hyperbolic distributed parameter systems eith damping terms J.H.Ha
- Funkcial. Ekvac. v.41 Existence and Regularity of weak solutions for semilinear second order evolution equations J.H.Ha;S.I.Nakagiri
- The boundary value problems of Mathematical physics O.A.Ladyzhenskaya
- J. Math. Soc. Japan v.42 no.3 Necessary and sufficient conditions for optimality in nonlinear distributed parameter systems with variable initial state A.Papageorgiou;N.S.Papageorgiou
- Yokohama Math. J. v.42 Optimization of parametric controlled nonlinear evolution equations N.S.Papageorgiou
- J. Math. Anal. Appl. v.164 On the optimal control of strongly nonlinear evolution equations N.S.Papageorgiou
- RIMS Kokyuroku v.1187 Optimal control problem for the damped nonlinear hyperbolic systems J.Y.Park;Y.H.Kang;M.J.Lee
- J. Korea Math. Soc. v.34 no.4 Identification problem for damping parameters in linear damped second order systems J.Y.Park;J.H.Ha;H.K.Han
- Infinite-dimensional dynamical systems in mechanics and physics R.Temam
- Nonlinear functional anaysis and its applications E.Zeidler
- Mathematical Analysis and Numerical Methods for Science and Technology R.Dautray;J.L.Lions