- The Probabilistic Method N.Alon;J.H.Spencer;P.Erdos
- Analytic number theory;Progr. Math. v.1;138 On subset-sum-distinct sequences J.Bae
- Discrete Math. v.189 An extremal problem for subset-sum-distinct sequences with congruence conditions J.Bae
- Bull. Korean Math. Soc. v.35 no.3 A compactness result for a set of subest-sum-distinct sequences J.Bae
- Math. Comp. v.28 no.126 On weird and pseudoperfect numbers J.S.Benkoski;P.Erdos
- Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. v.124 no.12 A sum packing problem of Erdos and the Conway-guy sequence T.Bohman
- Electron. J. Combin. v.5 A construction for sets of integers with distinct subset sums T.Bohman
- Cooolq. Math. v.20 Solution of a problem of P. Erdos J.H.Conway;R.K.Guy
- J. Combin. Theory Ser. A v.41 An improved lower bound on the greatest elemcnt of a sum-distinct set of fixed order N.D.Elkies
- Colloque sur la Theorie des Nombres Problems and results in additive number theory P.Erdos
- Monographies de L'Enseignement Mathematique v.28 Old and new problems and results in combinatiorial number theory P.Erdos;R.L.Graham
- Unsolved problems in Intuitive Mathematics v.Ⅰ Number Theory R.K.Guy
- Annals of Discrete Mathematics v.12 Sets of integers whose subsets have distinct sums R.K.Guy
- Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. v.66 no.1 Distinct sums over subsets F.Hanson;J.M.Steele;F.Stenger
- Discrete Math. Classification of greedy subset-sum-distinct-sequences Joshua Von Korff
- Math. Comp. v.50 no.181 Integer sets with distinct subset-sums W.F.Lunnon