Development of HVAC System to Lower the Conveyance Energy and Building Height

반송동력과 건물층고 저감형 공조시스템 개발

  • 김정엽 (한국건설기술연구원 건축설비 및 플랜트 연구그룹) ;
  • 신현준 (한국건설기술연구원 건축설비 및 플랜트 연구그룹)
  • Published : 2003.02.01


The new HVAC system to lower the conveyance energy and building height using IAV (Increasing Air Volume) technique is developed. IAV units which are equipped in each zone carry out air-conditioning and supply fresh air by induction of outdoor air in main duct. The design program which decides size of OAHU and IAV unit according to air conditioning load and fresh air demand of each zone is presented. The control system is developed to operate efficiently HVAC system and IAV unit, so that individual zone operation and well-deal with partial load and IAQ problem are possible. The new system is investigated in model building and makes more profit in conveyance energy, size of air conditioning facilities room and building height than VAV system. But in construction cost it is worse by about 15 per-centage.



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