로지스틱 함수를 갖는 생산공정에 대한 최적공정평균 및 스크리닝 한계선의 결정

Determination of Optimal Mean Value and Screening Limit for a Production Process with Logistic Function

  • 홍성훈 (전북대학교 산업정보시스템공학과)
  • Hong, Sung Hoon (Department of Industrial and Information Systems Engineering, Chonbuk National University)
  • 발행 : 2003.09.30


Individual items are produced continuously from an industrial process. Each item is checked to determine whether it satisfies a lower screening limit for the quality characteristic which is the weight of an expensive ingredient. If it does, it is sold at a regular price; if it does not, it is reprocessed or sold at a reduced price. The process mean may be adjusted to a higher value in order to reduce the proportion of the nonconforming items. Using a higher process mean, however, may result in a higher production cost. In this paper, the optimal process mean and lower screening limit are determined in situations where the probability that an item functions well is given by a logistic function of the quality characteristic. Profit models are constructed which involve four price/cost components; selling prices, cost from an accepted nonconforming item, and reprocessing and inspection costs. Methods of finding the optimal process mean and lower screening limit are presented and numerical examples are given.



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