기능분해와 TRIZ 이론을 이용한 철도 대차의 구성설계

Configuration Design of a Train Bogie using Functional Decomposition and TRIZ Theory

  • Lee, Jangyong (Intelligent Manufacturing Systems Team, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology) ;
  • Han, Soonhung (Department of Mechanical Engineering, KAIST)
  • 발행 : 2003.09.30


The configuration design of a mechanical product can be efficiently performed when it is based on the functional modeling. There are methodologies, which decompose function from the abstract level to the concrete level and match the functions to physical parts. But it is difficult to carry out an innovative design when the function is matched only to a pre-detined part. This paper describes the configuration design process of a mechanical product with a design expert system, which uses function taxonomy and TRIZ theory. The expert system can propose a functional modeling of a new part. which is not in the existing parts list. The abstraction levels of design knowledge are introduced, which describe the operation of mechanical product in the levels of abstraction. This is the theoretical background of using knowledge of function and TRIZ for configuration design. The expert system is adequate to control this design knowledge. which expresses knowledge of functional modeling, mapping rules between functions and parts, selection of parts, and TRIZ theory. The hierarchy of functions and machine parts are properly expressed by classes and objects in the expert system. A design expert system has been implemented for the configuration design of a train bogie, and a new brake system of the bogie is introduced with the aid of TRIZ's 30 function groups.



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