Inhibitory Effect of Methanolic Extract from Radix Trichosanthis on Melanin Synthesis

천화분 메탄올 추출물의 멜라닌 형성 억제 효과

  • 김정근 (원광대학교 한의과대학 외관과학교실) ;
  • 김남권 (원광대학교 한의과대학 외관과학교실) ;
  • 임규상 (원광대학교 한의과대학 외관과학교실) ;
  • 김진 (원광대학교 한의과대학 외관과학교실) ;
  • 성병곤 (원광대학교 한의과대학 외관과학교실)
  • Published : 2002.12.01


Objectives: In order to investigate the relationship of Radix Trichosanthis components and the melanin synthesis, the author has analyzed the cell viability and tyrosinase activity, melanin content and morphologic changes in n-hexane, EtOAc, n-BuOH, and H2O fraction. Methods: At first, in order to determine the concentration of the Radix Trichosanthis component, the author investigated the viability of B16 melanoma cell. To measure the effects of Trichosanthes kirilowii extracts (n-BuOH, n-Hexane, EtOAc, H2O fractions) on the viability of A549 cells, A549 cells were treated with various concentrations (from 0.5 to $25{\;}\mu\textrm{g}/ml$) of components of Trichosanthes kirilowii. After 24hrs, the cell viability was measured by MTT assay. The EtOAc components of Trichosanthes kirilowii decreased the viability of A549 cells in a dose-dependent manner. H2O and n-BuOH components had no cell toxicity till $25{\;}\mu\textrm{g}/ml$, the n-hexane component showed minor cell toxicity at $25{\;}\mu\textrm{g}/ml$ and the EtOAc component cell toxicity was revealed at $5{\;}\mu\textrm{g}/ml$ concentration. Results: 1. The results of tyrosinase activity and the Radix Trichosanthis component; n-hexane and EtOAc components controlled it effectively; the n-BuOH components were less effective. 2. The results of melanin content analysis showed that the n-hexane and EtOAc components effectively inhibited, the n-BuOH fraction inhibited less, and H2O component didn't inhibit the terminal melanin formation. 3. In the n-BuOH and H2O component there were no changes, but in the n-hexane component the melanin content was effectively inhibited. 4. In the EtOAc fraction, although the melanin content was inhibited, the cell count was evidently suppressed, Of all of the Radix Trichosanthis components, the n-Hexane and EtOAc fractions inhibited the melanin synthesis best, but owing to its toxicity, the EtOAc components inhibited the cell count. Conclusion: The above results demonstrated that Radix Trichosanthis n-hexane fraction efficiently inhibited the tyrosinase activity and melanin synthesis.



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