- 生理學 姜斗熙
- 內科學(上) 李文鎬
- 內科總論 安秉國
- Rev Infect Dis v.10 no.1 New concepts on the pathogenesis of fever Dinarello CA;Cannon JG;Wolff SM
- Physiol. Rev v.71 1991 Fever:role of pyrogens and cryogens Kluger, MJ
- Trends Pharmacol Sci v.13 no.1 Sickness behavior as a new target for drug development Kent S;Bluthe RM;Kelley KW;Dantzer R
- American Journal of Physiology v.271 Inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase produces hypothermia and depresses lipopolysaccharide fever Scammell TE;Elmquist JK;Saper CB
- J Neurosci v.18 no.16 Brain endothelial cells express cyclooxygenase-2 during lipopolysaccharide-induced fever: light and electron microscopic immunocytochemical studies Matsumura K;Cao C;Ozaki M;Morii H;Nakadate K;Watanabe Y
- 레이저응용 吳明;姜玟鎬
- 醫道の日本 v.441 光鍼 任華軟
- Phytother Res v.14 no.8 Inhibitory effects of cimicifugae rhizoma extracts on histamine, bradykinin and COX-2 mediated inflammatory actions Kim SJ;Kim MS
- Yakugaku Zasshi v.116 no.11 Chemical constituents of original plants of cimicifugae rhizoma in chinese medicine. Sakurai N;Nagai M
- 黃帝內經素問 靈樞合編 馬元臺;張隱庵
- 생리학 성호경
- Ann New York Acad Sci v.856 Neurobiological basis of fever Saper CB
- Prostaglandins Leukot and Essent Fatty Acids v.52 Regulation of prostaglandin endoperoxide synthase (cyclooxygenase) isozyme expression. Goppelt-Struebe M
- Stroke v.29 Expression and vascular effects of cyclooxygenase-2 in brain Brian JE Jr;Moore SA;Faraci FM
- 全南大學校大學院 碩士學位論文 몇가지 생약의 항알레르기 작용 金英蘭
- Brain Res v.713 Expression of inducible cyclooxygenase mRNA in the mouse brain after systemic administration of bacterial lipopolysaccharide Breder CD;Saper CB
- J Comp Neurol v.381 Intravenous lipopolysaccharide induced cyclooxygenase-2-like immunoreactivity in rat brain perivascular microglia and meningeal macropharges Elmquist JK;Breder CD;Sherin JE;Scammell TE;Hickey WF;DeWitt D(et al)
- Brain Res v.697 Induction by lipopolysaccharides of cyclooxygenase-2 mRNA in rat brain; its possible role in the ferible response Cao C;Matsumura K;Yamagata K;Watanabe Y
- 本草學 李尙仁
- Prog Brain Res v.115 Role of nitric oxide in temperature regulation Schmid, H.A.;Riedel, W.;Simon, E.
- Gen Pharmcol v.31 Effects of intravenous nitric oxide inhibitors on endotoxin-induced fever in prepubertal pigs Parrott RF;Vellucci SV;Lloyd DM
$\beta$ induces diabetes and fever in normal rats by nitric oxide via induction of different nitric oxide synthases Reimers JI;Bierre U;Mandrup-Poulsen T;Nerup J - Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry v.40 Mapping of nitric oxide synthase in the rat suggests frequent co-localization with NADPH diaphorae but not with soluble guanylyl cyclase, and novel paraneural functions for nitrergic signal transduction Schmidt HHHW;Gagne GD;Nakane M;Pollock JS;Miller MF;Murad F
- 임상본초학 辛民敎
- 東醫方劑學 尹吉榮
- 中藥大辭典(전10권 부록1권) 上海科學出版社
- 申氏本草學 申佶求
- 이우주의 藥理學 講義 홍사섭(編著)
- 慶熙大學校 大學院 碩士學位論文 加味升麻葛根湯의 效能에 관한 實驗的 硏究 姜暻埈
- 中央大學校 大學院 碩士學位論文 升麻葛根湯과 Tetracycline-HCl의 倂用投與時 抗菌 및 抗炎效果에 관한 硏究 趙貞實
- 中藥藥理與應用 王浴生(主編)
- 圓光大學校大學院 外觀科 學位論文 升麻葛根湯加味方이 마우스의 抗 Allergy 및 免役反應에 미치는 影響 金南權
- Am J Physiol v.268 no.6 Changes in eating behavior and thermogenic activity following inhibition of nitric oxide formation de Luca B;Monda M;Sullo A
- Endocrinology v.136 no.8 Blockade of nitric oxide formation augments adrenocorticotropin released by blood-borne interleukin-1 beta: role of vasopressin, prostaglandins, and alpha 1-adrenergic receptors Rivier C
- J Neurosci v.15;19 no.2 Lipopolysaccharide injected into the cerebral ventricle evokes fever through induction of cyclooxygenase-2 in brain endothelial cells Cao C;Matsumura K;Ozaki M;Watanabe Y
- J Physiol (Lond) v.383 Evidence for separate mechanisms of induction of biphasic fever inside and outside the blood-brain barrier in rabbits Morimoto A;Murakami N;Nakamori T;Watanabe T
- Am J Physiol v.255 Effect of indomethcin on febrile response to recombinant human interleukin 1-a in rabbits Hashimoto M;Bando T;Iriki M;Hashimoto K