- 임상호흡기학 v.2 韓鏞徹
- 알레르기와 韓方 v.1 丁奎萬
- 定喘湯이 알레르기성 천식의 呼吸 樣相과 氣管粘膜의 好酸球浸潤에 미치는 影響. 王中權
- CIBA원색도해의학총서 v.1 이영현;김수성;권영무;김성자;구정태
- 소아과학회지 v.9 no.1 천식에 관한 문헌적 고찰. 金潤子;金璋顯
- 諸病源候論 v.1 巢元方
- 醫門寶鑑 v.1 周命新
- 臨證指南醫案 v.1 葉天士
- 景岳全書 v.1 張介賓
- 麥門冬湯이 알레르기 천식의 呼吸樣相과 氣管組織에 미치는 影響. 柳旭相
金水六君煎이 흰쥐의 SO
${_2}$ 에 의한 呼吸器損傷에 미치는 影響. 李承蓮 -
금수육군전이 SO
${_2}$ 에 의한 흰쥐의 호흡기조직손상에 미치는 영향. 이승룡;박동일 - 對譯證脈, 方藥合編 v.6 黃度淵
- Am J Physiol(Lung Cell MoL Physiol 17). v.273 Intercellular adhesion molecule-l-deficient mice have normal antibody responses, but impaired leukocyte recruitment. Hatfield CA;Brashler JR;Winterrowd GE;Bell FP;Griffin RL;Fidler SF; Kolbasa KP;Shull KL;Mobley JL;Richards IM;Chin JE.
- Am Rev Respir Dis. v.137 Development of a prolonged eosinophil-rich inflammatory leukocyte infiltration in the guinea pig asthmatic response to ovalbumin inhalation. Dunn CJ;Elliot GA;Osteven JA;Richard IM.
- Animal tissue techniques. Humason GL.
- 東醫臨床方劑學 v.1 尹吉榮
- 東醫方劑와 處方解說 v.1 尹用甲
- 그림으로 설명한 병리학 v.2 금주섭
- Immunology v.1 Roitt I;Brostoff J;Male D.
- J Allergy Clin Immunol. v.54 no.4 Late asthmatic responses induced by ragweed pollen allergen. Robertson DG;Kerigan AT;Hargreave FE.
- Br. J. Phamac. v.90 Inhibition of IgE dependent histamine releas from human dispersed lung mast cells by anti-allergic drugs and salbutamol. Church MK;Hiroi J.
- Am Rev Respir Dis. v.132 Influence of albuterol, cromolyn sodium ipratropium bromide on the airway and circulating mediator response to allergic bronchial provocation in asthma. Howarth PH;Durbam SR;Lee TH;Kay AB;Church MK;Holgate ST.
- J Allergy Clin Immunol. v.79 no.5 Comparative effects of inhaled salbutamol, sodium cromoglycate and beclomethasone dipropionate on allergen-induced early asthmatic response and increased bronchial responsiveness to histamine. Cockroft DW;Murdock KY.
- Am Rev Respir Dis v.148 Efficacy and safety of inhaled corticosteroids in asthma. Barns P;Pederson S.
- Korean Journal of Allergy. v.17 no.1 동물천식모형. 최인선
- Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. v.13 Effect of dexamethasone on antigen-induced high molecular weight glycoconjugate secretionin allergic guinea pigs Savoie C;Plant M;Zwikker M;Van Staden CJ;Boulet L;Chan CC;Rodger IW;Pon DJ.
- Ovalbumin에 의한 기니픽 천식 유발시 폐의 조직 병리학적 변화에 미치는 상백피의 영향. 蘇秉埈
- Respiration. v.65 Effects of inhaled cyclosporin on the rat air way(histologic and bronchoalveolar lavage assessment). Ceyhan Y;Sungur M;Celikel CA;Ceilikel T.
- Arerugi. v.44 Inhibitory effect of low molecular weight heparin on the bronchoconstriction in ovalbumin-sensitized guinea pigs after antigen exposure. Maeda H;Yahata T;Satouchi M;Takenaka K;Yokoyama M.
- 한국이비인후과학회지 v.39 알레르기가 유발된 기니픽 비점막에서 호산구 침윤과 상피 손상과의 관계. 홍순관
- Thorax. v.53 An improved murine model of asthma: selective airway inflammation, epithelial lesions and increased methacholine responsiveness following chronic exposure to aerosolised allergen. Temelkovski J;Hogan SP;Shepherd DP;Foster PS;Kumar RK.
- Clinical and Experimental Allergy. v.28 Leflunomide, a novel immunomodulating agent, prevents the development of allergic sensitization in an animal model of allergic asthma. Eber E;Uhlig T;McMenamin C;Sly PD.
- J Pharmacal Exp Ther. v.280 no.1 The influence of endogenous catecholamines on the inhibitory effects of rolipram against early- and late-phase response to antigen in the guinea pig. Underwood DC;Matthews JK;Osborn RR;Bochnowicz S;Torphy TJ.
- Eur J Pharmacol. v.293 Bronchoconstric- tion and airway hyperresponsiveness after ovalbumin inhalation in sensitized mice. Hessel EM;Van Oosterhout AJ;Hofsta CL;De Bie JJ;Garssen J;Van Loveren H;Verheyen AK;Savelkoul HF;Nijkamp FP.
- Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. v.14 Lung inflammation and epithelial changes in a murine model of atopic asthma. Blyth DI;Pedrick MS;Savage TJ;Hessel EM;Fattah D.