- 한국체육학회지 v.34 no.1 스포츠음료 섭취가 최대 운동 후 젖산 및 심박수 변화에 미치는 영향 박상용
- Clinical Sports Medicine v.18 no.3 Water and electrolyte requirements for exercise Latzka WA;Montain SJ
- International Journal of Nutrition v.9 no.2 Metabolic effects of a protein-supplemented carbohydrate drink in marathon runners Colombani, PC.
- Int J Sports Med v.18 no.2 Carbohydrate -electrolyte feedings improve 1 h time trial cycling performance Jeukendrup A;Brouns F;Wagenmakers AJ;Saris WH
- Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise v.27 Effect of sodium concentration in a carbohydrate -electrolyte solution on intestinal absorption Gisolfi, CV;Summers, RD;Schld, HP;Bleiler TL
- Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise v.24 no.9 Benefits of fluid replacement with carbohydrate during exercise Coyle, EF;Montain, SJ
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- 本草學 全國韓醫科大學 本草學敎授
- 現代中藥藥理學 王本祥
- 동덕여자대학교 대학원 석사학위논문 알콜 섭취가 여대생의 유산소성 운동능력에 미치는 영향 구현정
- 圖說漢藥醫藥大辭典, 中國藥學 Ⅲ 陳存仁
- 中藥藥理與應用 王浴生
- 中藥現代硏究與應用 鄭虎占
- Med Sci Sports Exerc v.28 no.1 American College of Sports Medicine position stand. Exercise and fluid replacement Convertino VA;Armstrong LE;Coyle EF;Mack GW;Sawka MN;Senay LC Jr;Sherman WM
- Int J Sport Nutr v.8 no.2 Effective fluid replacement Horswill CA
- Exercise and Sports Science Review Carbohydrate ingestion during prolonged exercise: Effects on metabolism and performance Coggan, AR;Coyle, EF
- Am J Clin Nutr v.72 no.SUP.2 Fluid and electrolyte supplementation for exercise heat stress Sawka MN;Montain SJ
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- 현대인의 건강과 건강보조식품 허석현;김민희
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- Int J Sports Med v.7 no.1 Effects of eight weeks of bicycle ergometer sprint training on human muscle buffer capacity Sharp RL;Costill DL;Fink WJ;King DS
- Acta Physiol Scand v.100 no.1 Anaerobic performance capacity in athletes Komi PV;Rusko H;Vos J;Vihko V
- Eur J Appl Physiol Occup Physiol v.57 no.5 Prediction of physical performance through muscle enzymes activity Galun E;Burstein R;Tur-Kaspa I;Assia E;Epstein Y
- Int J Sports v.10 no.SUP.3 Plasma activity of muscle enzymes: quantification of skeletal muscle damage and relationship with metabolic variables Janssen GM;Kuipers H;Willems GM;Does RJ;Janssen MP;Geurten P
- Fed Proc. v.39 no.5 Functional adaptations to physical activity and inactivity Saltin B;Rowell LB
- J Sports Med Phys Fitness v.21 no.2 Serum concentrations of myoglobin, creatine phosphokinase and lactic dehydrogenase after exercise in trained and untrained athletes Roti S;Iori E;Guiducci U;Emanuele R;Robuschi G;Bandini P;Gnudi A;Roti E
- Crit Care Nurs Clin North Am v.10 no.4 Interpretation of BUN and serum creatinine. An interactive exercise Stark J
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- 스포츠 영양학 이명천;김기진;김미혜;박현;이대택;차광석
- Adv Genet v.24 Mechanisms of heat-shock gene activation in higher eukaryotes Bienz M;Pelham HR
- Science v.259 no.5100 Cells in stress: transcriptional activation of heat shock genes Morimoto RI
- Canadian Journal of Applied Physiology v.23 no.3 Physical Activity, Muscle, and the HSP70 Response Kilgore, JL;Musch, TI;Ross, CR
- Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise v.28 no.5 Stress protein synthesis and content following a acute and chronic exercise Brickman, TM;Flynn, MG;Sanchez, E;Braum, WA;Lambert, CP;Andress, FF;Hu, J
- Journal of Clinical Invesment v.166 Expression of incucible stress protein 70 in rat herat myogenic cells confers protection against simulated ischemia-induced injury Mestril, R.;S. H. Chi;M.R. Sayen;K. O'Reilly;W. H. Dillmann
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