- 계명의대논문집 v.16 no.3 노화에 관련된 인지기능 감퇴 박종환;김희철
- The Journal of Family Practice v.37 no.6 Advances in Alzheimer's disease Roth ME
- Brain Res v.726 no.1;2 Injection of IgG 192-saporin into the medial septum produces cholinergic hypofunction and dose-dependent working memory dificits Walsh TJ;Herzog CD;Gandhi C;Stackman RW;Wiley RG
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- 생화학 뉴스 v.12 no.4 알쯔하이머병(Alzheimer disease : 노인성 치매)의 분자생물학 서유현
- Sleep v.16 no.8 A double-blind, placebo-controlled study of the treatment of periodic limb movements in sleep using carbidopa/levodopa and propoxyphene Kaplan PW;Allen RP;Buchholz DW;Walters JK
- Acta Neurobiol Exp(Warsz) v.53 no.1 Scopolamine impairs object exploration but not habituation in rats Lukaszewaka L.
- Behav Brain Res v.57 no.2 The effects of novel cholinesterase inhibitor and selective muscarinic receptor agonists in tests of reference and working memory Dawson GR;Iversen SD
- Phychopharmacology(Berl) v.111 no.4 Attenuation of scopolamine-induced spatial memory deficits in the rat by cholinomimetic and non-cholinomimetic drugs using a novel task in the 12-arm radial maze Dennes RP;Barnes JC
- Am J Chin Med. v.29 no.1 Anti-HIV activity of medicinal herbs: usage and potential development Wu JA;Attele AS;Zhang L;Yuan CS
- Immunopharmacology v.49 no.3 The flavonoid baicalin exhibits anti-inflammatory activity by binding to chemokines Li BQ;Fu T;Gong WH;Dunlop N;Kung H;Yan Y;Kang J;Wang JM
- Planta Med v.68 no.2 Different effects of baicalein, baicalin and wogonin on mitochondrial function, glutathione content and cell cycle progression in human hepatoma cell lines Chang WH;Chen CH;Lu FJ
- Life Sci. v.70 no.9 Antioxidant activity of anti-inflammatory plant extracts Schinella GR;Tournier HA;Prieto JM;Mordujovich D;Rios JL
- Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi v.23 no.3 A histochemical study on baicalin Du X;Li B;Pan Y;Mali
- J Ethnopharmacol v.77 no.2;3 Cytoprotective effect of Scutellaria baicalensis in CA1 hippocampal neurons of rats after global cerebral ischemia Kim YO;Leem K;Park J;Lee P;Ahn D;Lee BC(et al)
- Neurosci. Lett. v.314 no.1;2 Ether fraction of methanol extracts of Gastrodia elata, a traditional medicinal herb, protects against kainic acid-induced neuronal damage in the mouse hippocampus Kim HJ;Moon KD;Oh SY;Kim SP;Lee SR
- Am J Chin Med v.29 no.2 Anticonvulsive and free radical scavenging activities of Gastrodia elata Bl. in kainic acid-treated rats Hsieh CL;Chiang SY;Cheng KS;Lin YH;Tang NY;Lee CJ(et al)
- Hua Xi Yi Ke Da Xue Xue Bao. Chinese v.123 no.1 Effects of tian-ma injection on myocardial ischemia and lipid peroxidation in rabbit Luo H;Wang L;Chen H;Xue Z
- J Ethnopharmacol v.56 no.1 Gastrodin and p-hydroxybenzyl alcohol facilitate memory consolidation and retrieval, but not acquisition, on the passive avoidance task in rats Hsieh MT;Wu CR;Chen CF
- Zentralbl Nervenheik v.30 ber eine eigenarte Erkrankung der Hirnrinde Alzheimer, A
- 신경정신의학 v.36 no.1 한국의 한 농촌 지역에 거주하는 노인에서의 치매의 유병율 우종인(외)
- Neurology v.49 Evaluation of dementia: A systematic study of theusefulness of the American Academy of Neurology's Practice Parameters Chui H;Zhang Q
- 신경정신의학 v.34 no.3 노인의 기능 상태 평가 박종환
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- Brain Res v.632 no.1;2 Deficits in working memory following inhibition of hippocampal nitric oxide synthesis in the rat Ohno M;Yamamoto T;Watanabe S
- Behav Pharmacol v.11 no.5 Effects of nitric oxide synthase inhibitors on timing and short-term memory in rats Wiley JL;Willmore CB
- Br J Pharmacol v.131 no.2 Low doses of 8-OH-DPAT prevent the impairment of spatial learning caused by intrahippocampal scopolamine through 5-HT(1A) receptors in the dorsal raphe Carli M;Balducci C;Samanin R
- Eur J Pharmacol v.395 no.2 Improvement by low doses of nociceptin on scopolamine-induced impairment of learning and/or memory Hiramatsu M;Inoue K
- 경희대논문집 v.23 no.1 녹용 및 보아탕 가 녹용이 어린 흰쥐의 학습과 기억에 미치는 영향 정재환;김덕곤;정승기;이진용;김장현;조규석
- Neurosci Lett. v.252 no.2 Cholinergic lesions of the rat brain by ibotenic acid and 192 IgG-saporin: effects on somatostatin, substance P and neuropeptide Y levels in the cerebral cortex and the hippocampus Nag S;Tang F
- J. Nurt. Biochem v.11 Ibotenic acid-induced lesions of the medial septum increase hippocampal membrane associated protein kinase C activity and reduce acetylcholine synthesis : Prevention by a phosphatidylcholine/vitamin B12 diet Hung(et al)
- Epilepsia v.38 no.11 Multiple kainic acid seizures in the immature and adult brain: ictal manifestations and long-term effects on learning and memory Sarkisian MR;Tandon P;Liu Z;Yang Y;Hori A;Holmes GL(et al)
- Brain Res v.716 no.1;2 Effects of discrete kainic acid-induced hippocampal lesions on spatial and contextual learning and memory in rats Stubley-Weatherly L;Harding JW;Wright JW
- Behav Brain Res. v.90 no.1 Intraseptal injections of 192 IgG saporin produce deficits for strategy selection in spatial-memory tasks Janis LS;Glasier MM;Fulop Z;Stein DG
- Behav Neurosci v.110 no.5 Differential effects of selective immunotoxic lesions of medial septal cholinergic cells on spatial working and reference memory Shen J;Barnes CA;Wenk GL;McNaughton BL
- Int J Dev Neurosci v.16 no.7;8 The behavioral functions of the cholinergic basal forebrain: lessons from 192 IgG-saporin Wrenn CC;Wiley RG
- J Neurosci v.20 no.4 Chronic stress induces impairment of spatial working memory because of prefrontal dopaminergic dysfunction Mizoguchi K;Yuzurihara M;Ishige A;Sasaki H;Chui DH;Tabira T
- Trends Neurosci v.15 Metabotropic receptor and slow excitatory actions of glutamate agonists in the hippocampus Baskys, A
- Trends Neurosci v.14 The basal forebrain-cortical cholinergic system : Interpreting the functional consequences of excitotoxic lesions Dunnett SB;Everitit BJ;Bobbin TW
- Neuroscience v.101 no.1 Modelling cognitive dysfunctions with bilateral injections of ibotenic acid into the rat entorhinal cortex Eikenboom M;Blokland A;Van Der Staay FJ
- Pathophysiology adaptation and alterations in function(4th edition) Bullock BL
- Eur J Neurosci v.12 no.2 NO-mediated cGMP synthesis in cholinergic neurons in the rat forebrain ; effect of lesioning dopaminergic or serotonergic pathway on nNOS and cGMP synthesis De vente J;Markerink-van Ittersum M;Van Abeelen J;Emson PC;Axen H;Steinbusch HW
- Planta Med v.62 no.5 Novel anticholinesterase and antiamnesic activities of dehydrodiamine, a constitute of Evodia rutaecarpa Park CH;Kim SH;Choi W;Lee YJ;Kim JS;Kang SS(et al)
- Int. J. Geriatr. Phychiatry v.7 The role of two major cholinergic systems in memory acquisition and retention in the eight-arm radial maze Yamasaki R;Yamashita M;Taguchi K;Okada M;Ikeda H
- J Pharmacol Exp Ther v.272 no.1 FR121196, a potential antidementia drug, ameliorates the impaired memory of rat in the Morris water maze Yamazaki M;Matsuoka N;Kuratani K;Ohkubo Y;Yamaguchi I
- 한국심리학회지 v.5 흰쥐의 내측중격핵 손상이 Morris 수중미로과제의 학습에 미치는 효과 정봉교(외 2인)
- Brain Res. v.554 no.1;2 Spatial performance correlated with in vitro potentiation in young and aged Fisher 344 rats Deupree DL;Turmer DA;Watters CL
- Brain Res v.679 no.1 Anabilic androgenic steroid and adrenal steroid effects on hippocampal plasticity Clark AS;Mitre MC;Brinck-Johnsen T
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- 완역 중약대사전 이경순(외)
- Arch Pharm Res v.22 no.2 Isolation and identification of succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase inhibitory compound from the rhizome of Gastrodia elata Blume Baek NI;Choi SY;Park JK;Cho SW;Ahn EM;Jeon SG(et al)
- 완역 중약대사전 이경순(외)