The Clinical Observation of Facial Palsy Sequela

안면신경마비 후유증에 대한 임상적 고찰

  • 김남권 (원광대학교 한의과대학 외관과학교실)
  • Published : 2002.03.01


Objectives : In order to obtain the clinical type of facial palsy sequelae and try to make the treatment protocols for each, I observed patients who visited Gunpo-Wonkwang oriental medicine center with Bell’s palsy sequelae that were treated over three months. Methods : I make the value standard of muscle paralysis, contraction, synkinesis and acquired the results as follows. Results and Conclusions : 1. The distribution of age and sex was as follows : females of 41-50 years were the most common demographic, females of 51-60 years and males of 31-40 years were the second, males of 51-60 years were the third, females of 21-30 years and males of over 60 years were the fourth, and males of 41-50 years were the fifth. 2. The distributions of period of disease were as follows : 3-6 months was the most, 12-18 months was the second, 6-12 months and over 24 months was the third, and 18-24 months was the fourth. 3. The sequelae distributions of disease were as follows. In the group of 3-6 months, 12 persons (80%) showed palsy and atrophy, 10 persons (66.6%) showed synkinetics. In the group of over 6 months, all patients showed muscle palsy, muscle atrophy and synkinetics. All groups showed lower sensitivity of muscles, but the group of 18-24 months and the group of over 24 months showed more. Tinnitus was shown by the groups of 12-18 months and 3-6 months. Facial muscle pain was shown by the group of3-6 months only, Crocodile's tear was shown by the groups of 18-24 months and over 24 months. 4. The total palsy rates of sequela patients and palsy rates by muscle for disease period were as follows. The total palsy rate was 27.94%; the palsy rates for the group of 6-12 months and the group of over 24 months was lower than the total palsy rate. The rates of the groups of 3-6, 12-18, 18-24 months were higher than the total palsy rate. The palsy rate of zygomatic minor, levator labii superior muscle was higher than the total palsy rate for all groups. 5. Synkinetics manifestation rates by disease period were as follows. Total synkinetics manifestation rate was 73.81 %; the manifestation rate of the group of 6-12 months was lower than total synkinetics manifestation rate. For the groups of 12-18, 18-24, and over 24 months it was more than the total synkinetics manifestation rate. The group of over 24 months, total synkinetics induced by orbicularis oculi muscle and orbicularis oris muscle. 6. Facial muscle atrophy rates by disease period were as follows. Total atrophy rate was 5.26%; in the groups of 6-12, 18-24, over 24 months, the atrophy rates were higher than the total atrophy rate. The groups of 3-6 and 12-18 months showed lower than the total atrophy rates, while the atrophy of the levator palpebrae superioris muscle and levator palpebrae inferioris muscle was higher than in other groups.



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