서울시내 직장인의 아침식사 식습관에 관한 연구

A Study on the Breakfast Habits of Salaried People in Seoul

  • 신경화 (세종대학교 생활과학과) ;
  • 채경연 (세종대학교 생활과학과) ;
  • 유양자 (세종대학교 생활과학과)
  • 발행 : 2002.02.01


This study was intended to investigate the breakfast habits of salaried people. Total 446 subjects (male:256 and female:190) living in Seoul participated in the study. The results obtained were as follows : About 88.8% of the respondents perceived well the importance of breakfast, but only 33.2% of them responded to have breakfast every morning. It was found that males, older people, married people and people with higher education had a tendency to have breakfast regularly. The main reasons for having breakfast were 'for nutritional intake'(42.2%) and 'for relieving hunger' (31.3%). Cooked rice with soup (78.4%) was the most popular menu for breakfast. The time for breakfast was about 5∼15 minutes. The reasons for skipping breakfast were 'the lack of time > low appetite > habitually', but 59.6% of the respondents answered to have cooked rice with soup if they would. The 95.6% of the respondents showed more than the 'moderate' score on nutritional knowledge. Female salaried people showed higher scores on nutritional knowledge than male counterparts. People with higher education had a better nutritional knowledge. It was found that male, older people, people with higher education, and members in the extended family or nuclear family had good eating habits. Nutritial knowledge showed a significant positive relationship with eating habits. Overall, salaried people perceived the importance of breakfast, but had Poor dietary habit of skipping breakfast at 23.3%. Therefore, convenient and nutritional substitute for breakfast should be developed for salaried people.



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