로버스트 변수모형의 비선형 목표계획법 접근방법

Nonlinear Goal Programming Approach for Robust Parameter Experiments

  • 발행 : 2002.06.01


Instead of using signal-to-noise ratio, we attempt to optimize both the mean and variance responses using dual response optimization technique. The alternative experimental strategy analyzes a robust parameter design problem to obtain the best settings that give a target condition on the mean while minimizing its variance. The mean and variance are treated as the two responses of interest to be optimized. Unlike to the crossed array and combined array approaches, our experimental setup requires replicated runs for each control factor's treatment under noise sampling. When the postulated response models are true, they enable the coefficients to be estimated and the desired performance measure to be analyzed more efficiently. The procedure and illustrative example are given for the dual response optimization techniques of nonlinear goal programming.



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