- 경혈학(上) 전국한의과대학 침구경혈학교실(편저)
- Am. J. Chin. Med. v.4 Acupuncture loci. Gunn, G.C.
- Am. J. Chin. Med. v.8 Anatomical findings at acupuncture loci. Plummer, J.C.
- 경혈학 전국한의과대학 침구경혈학교실(편저)
- J. Comp. Neurol. v.140 Medullary cells of origin of vagal cardioinhibitory fibers in the pigeon. Cohen, D.H.;Schnell, A.M.;MacDonald, R.L.;Pitts, L.H.
- J. Comp. Neurol. v.208 A study of the extrinsic innervation of the guinea pig pylorus with the horseradish peroxidase tracing technique. Elfvin, L.G.;Lindh, B.
- Brain Res. v.491 A general pattern of CNS innervation of the sympathetic outflow demonstrated by transneuronal pseudorabies viral infections. Strack, A.M.;Sawyer, W.B.;Hughes, J.H.;Platt, K.B.;Loewy, A.D.
- Brain Res. v.616 Peripheral and central pathways regulating the kidney. a study using psudorabies virus. Schramm, L.P.;Strack, A.M.;Platt, K.B.;Loewy, A.D.
- 대한 침구학회지 v.17 대장과 관련된 경혈들의 신경 해부학적 연구 강창수;이상룡;이창현;남용재;이광규
- 석사학위논문 위와 족삼리(ST36)의 중추신경로 연결에 관한 연구 정한솔
- 中國鍼灸學 王德深
- 침구학 당옥수(外)
- 針灸學現代硏究與應用 郭長靑(外)
- J. Neurosci. v.226 Neurotropic properties od pseudorabies virus: uptake and transneuronal passage in the rat central nervous system. Card, J.P.;Rinaman, L.;Schwaber, J.S.;Miselis, R.R.;Whealy, M.E.;Robbins, A.K.;Enquist, L.W.
- 한방진단학 李鳳敎(外)
- 중의장상학 王琦(外)
- 삼음교 녹용약침이 백서의 난소적출로 변화된 女性 Hormone 및 골다공증에 미치는 영향 김선희
- Brain Res. Bull. v.25 Vagus nerveafferent and efferent innervation of the rat uterus : an electrophysiological and HRP study. Ortega-Villalobos, M.;Garcia-Bazan, M.;Solano-Flores, L.P.;Ninomiya-Alarcon, J.G.;Guevara-Guzman, R.;Wayner, M.J.
- J. Comp. Neurol. v.226 The localization and morphology of preganglionic neurons and the distribution of visceral afferents from therat pelvic nerve : horseradish peroxidase study. Nadelhaft, I.;Booth, A.M.
- 대한해부학회지 v.26 Psudorabies 바이러스를 이용한 흰쥐 子宮의 신경 지배에 관한 연구 이봉희;최완성;조경제;권해영;배지홍;송준경(외)
- J. Neurosci. v.13 Pseudorabies virus infection of the rat central nervous system : ultrastructural characterization of viral replication, transport and pathogenesis. Card, J.P.;Rinaman, L.;Lynn, R.B.;Lee, B.H.;Meade, R.P.;Miselis, R.R.;Enquist, L.W.
- Brain Res. v.506 Neurons in the sacral parasympathetic nucleus that project to the hypothalamus do not also project through the pelvic nerve : a double labeling study combining Fluoro-Gold and cholera toxin B in the rat. Burstein, R.;Wang, J.;Elde, R.P.;Giesler, G. Jr.
- Anat. Rec. v.241 Parasympathetic preganglionic innervation are cholinergic and nitric oxide-containing. Papka, R.E.;McCurdy, J.R.;Williams, S.J.;Mayer, B.;Marson, L.;Platt, K.B.
- Neurosci. Lett. v.143 Central nervous systemneurons labeled following the injection of pseudorabies virus into the rat urinary bladder. Nadelhaft, I.;Vera, P.L.;Card, J.P.;Miselis, R.R.
- J. Comp. Neurol. v.389 Identification of central nervous system neurons thatinnervate the bladder body, bladder base, or external urethral sphincter of female rats : a transneuronal tracing study using pseudorabies virus. Marson, L.
- J. Comp. Neurol. v.183 A preganglionic autonomic nucleus in the dorsal gray commissure of the lumbar spinal cord of the rat. Hancock, M.B.;Peveto, C.A.
- Exp. Brain Res. v.98 Thoracolumbar ympathetic preganglionic neurones in the dorsal commissural nucleus of the malerat : an immunohistochelical stusy using retrograde labeling of choleratoxin subunit B. Hosoya, Y.;Nadelhaft, I.;Wang, D.;Kohno, K.
- J. Comp. Neurol. v.256 Sexual dimorphism in sympathetic preganglionic neurons of the rat hypogastric nerve. Nadelhaft, I.;McKenna, K.E.
- Brain Res. v.172 Descending projections from the pontine micturition center. Loewy, A.D.;Saper, C.B.;Baker, R.P.
- Brain Res. v.592 Lesions of the nucleus paragigantocellularis alter ex-copula penile reflexes. Marson, L.;List, M.S.;McKenna, K.E.
- Neuroscience. v.74 Endogenous opiods acting at a medullary-opiod receptor contribute to the behavioral antinociception produced by GABA antagonism in the midbrain periaqueductal gray. Roychowdhury, S.M.;Fields, H.L.
- Brain Res Brain Res. Rev. v.3 Efferent connections of the ventral medulla oblongata in the rat. Loewy, A.D.;Wallach, J.H.;McKellar, S.
- J. Comp. Neurol. v.226 Localization of forebrain neurones which project directly to the medulla and spinal cord of the rat by retrograde tracing with wheat germ agglutinin. Schwanzel-Fukuda, M.;Morel, J.I.;Pfaff, D.W.
- Brain Res. v.539 Projections of the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus to the sexually dimorphic lumbosacral region of the spinal cord. Wagner, C.K.;Clemens, L.G.
- Exp. Brain Res. v.85 Descending input from the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus to sympathetic preganglionic neurons in the rat. Hosoya, Y.;Sugiura, Y.;Okado, N.;Loewy, A.D.;Kohno, K.
- Brain Res. v.343 A method for anterograde axonal tracingof chemically specified circuits in the central nervous system : combined phaseolus vulgaris-leucoagglutinin(PHA-L) tract tracing and immunohis tochemistry. Gerfen, C.R.;Sawchenko, P.E.