중년 여성의 체형 분류 및 연령별 특징 연구

A study on Somatotype Classification and Characteristics Related to Age of Middle-Aged Women

  • 발행 : 2001.05.01


This study is to classify the somatotypes of middle-aged women by many critera and figure out he characteristics of each somatotypes. The subjects are 614 middle-aged women between 35 and 59 years old and the research is based on anthropometric and photometric measurement by photographing their body parts. The results are as follows; 1. The result of factor analysis indicated that 11 factors were extracted through factor analysis and orthogonal rotation by the method of varimax and those factors comprised 85.71 percent of total variance. 2. As the result of cluster analysis the group of the middle-aged women is classified as 6 types. Type 1 is short, fat, H type in front and lean-back type on the side. Type 2 is standard in height and weight. Type 3 is standard height, fat, long upper body, bend-forward type and protrude of the hip on the side. Type 4 is tall, thin, short upper body, having clearly protrude of the back and hip and lean-back type on the side. Type 5 is neither short nor tall, slim, X type in front and I type on the side. Type 6 is tall, thin and B type on the side. 3. As the result of observing the mutual corresponding relation between these 6 groups and age/Rohrers Index, the somatotype of the middle-aged women is divided at the age of 45. Accordingly when it comes to progress the study of the middle-aged women in the future, we will have to observe the characteristics for dividing the first half and the second half of age of 45.



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  5. 대한가정학회지 v.27 no.1 인체 측정 용어의 표준화에 관한 연구(I) 이순원;박수찬;정인혁 (외2인)
  6. 다변량 자료분석의 이해와 활용 양병화
  7. WINDOW용 SAS를 이용한 통계자료분석 송문섭;조신섭
  8. 한글 SPSSWIN에 의한 다변량 데이터 통계분석 노형진
  9. 日本家政學會誌 v.40 no.10 成人女子體型の特?を表す要因の抽出と年?的變化 古松彌生;岡田仙子;松山谷子(外1人)
  10. 日本家政學會誌 v.36 no.5 胴部原型作圖のための體型把握 林降子;挑厚子
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