상한론(傷寒論)의 조문중(條文中) 맥증(脈證)에 관한 연구(硏究)

A study on the pulse symptoms of Shanghanlun

  • 김종수 (동국대학교 한의과대학 진단학교실) ;
  • 박원환 (동국대학교 한의과대학 진단학교실)
  • Kim, Jong-Soo (Department of Diagnostics, College of Oriental Medicine, Dongguk University) ;
  • Park, Won-Hwan (Department of Diagnostics, College of Oriental Medicine, Dongguk University)
  • 발행 : 2000.12.30


상한론(傷寒論)은 이(理) 법(法) 방(方) 약(藥)의 합치(合致)에 중점(重點)을 두었고, 선녹(選錄)한 방제(方劑) 또한 대부분 실용적(實用的)이고 유효(有效)하므로 높은 임상적(臨床的) 실용가치(實用價値)가 있을 뿐만 아니라, 후세(後世) 임상의학(臨床醫學)의 발전(發展)에도 심원(深遠)한 영향을 미쳤다. 특히 상한론(傷寒論)은 맥(脈)과 증(證)을 모두 중시(重視)하는 원칙(原則)으로 보다 유기적(有機的)인 진단방법(診斷方法)을 만들어내어 진단학(診斷學)의 발전(發展)에 있어서도 기여한 바가 크다. 이에 상한론(傷寒論)의 맥증(脈證)을 조사(調査)한 결과(結果), 첫째 음맥(陰脈)과 양맥(陽脈), 이십칠맥(二十七脈), 양강맥(兩綱脈), 육요맥(六要脈)으로 분류(分類)할 수 있으며, 후대(後代)의 맥진(脈診) 분류(分類)와도 상응(相應)하여, 맥(脈)과 증(證)을 변증(辨證)의 주요(主要)한 근거(根據)로 삼아 변증론치(辨證論治)의 원칙(原則)을 확립(確立)하였다. 둘째 전체(全體) 398조문중(條文中)에서 맥증(脈證)과 관련(關聯)지을 수 있는 조문(條文)이 38%에 이르며, 맥증(脈證)이 상한(傷寒) 각(各) 단계(段階)의 전변(傳變), 병증(病症)의 기전(機轉), 병사(病邪)의 진퇴(進退)와 용약(用藥)의 근거(根據)가 됨을 알 수 있다. 셋째 각각(各各)의 맥증중(脈證中)에서 부맥(浮脈)이 가장 많이 나타났으며, 그외 미맥(微脈), 긴맥(緊脈), 침맥(沈脈) 등(等)의 음맥(陰脈)의 빈도(頻度)도 많았다.

Shanghanlun principally dealt with the differentiation of 'The six channels'(Taiyang, Yangming, Shaoyang, Tayin, Shaoyin, Jueyin), summing up such rich experiences as diagnoses and remedies about an acute fever before the Han dynasty, and establishing the basis of the differentiation of symptoms and signs based on prescriptions. And making it a principle to think of both pulse and symptoms important, it made a more organic method of diagnoses which compounded a reason, ncle, prescriptions and drugs, and considerably contributed to the development of Diagnostics. Therefore, as a result of classifying the contents concerned with the differentiation of Shanghanlun through the pulse symptoms, which is a way of research about the field of pulse feeling, it provided us with somewhat knowledge. 1. The pulse symptoms corresponds with the latter classification on the pulse symptoms. That is why, it seems, the traditional concept, which regarded the pulse and the symptoms as the basis of the differentiation and established the principle of the differentiation of symptoms and signs based on prescriptions, largely has an effect on the establishment of the latter pulse science. 2. The contents concerned with the pulse symptoms, including general principles and dicoction symptoms of each chapter, mounted up to 38%, and so the pulse symptoms informed that the pulse symptoms was the grounds of transformation and development, mechanism of differentiation of syndromes, advance or retreat of pathologic factors and application of drugs of each course of Shanghanlun. 3. Of pulse syndromes, there appeared Floating pulse most, and in addition there were also the high frequency of Yin pulse like Indistinctive pulse, Tense pulse, Deep pulse, and so on. 4. Any regularity between the pulse syndrome and the abdominal syndrome cannot be found.
