Research on Correlation between Stress and Menstruation through Analyzing Menstruation State of Highschool Senior Female Students

고3 수험생의 월경실태분석을 통한 Stress와 원경의 상관관계 조사(Stress와 월경의 상관관계)

  • 정병천 (경산대학교 한의과대학 부인과교실) ;
  • 김동철 (경산대학교 한의과대학 부인과교실) ;
  • 백승희 (경산대학교 한의과대학 부인과교실)
  • Published : 2000.12.01


Objective: Stress is assumed to have many effects on menstruation of highschool senior female students, and it is expected to cause many problems and low efficiency during their studies. Therefore, through analyzing the menstruation state of highschool senior female students, the effects of stress on their menstruation and their education were studied. Methods: We made a survey of 583 senior female students of 'N' highschool located in Taegu. The survey was composed of the degrees of stress they were undergoing, menstrual problems caused by stress. Results: The survey results showed that 96.7% of the candidates were experiencing stress. 51.6% of them experienced an altered menstrual cycle, and menstrual irregularity was brought out in 32.1 % among them. 18.1 % of them were experiencing dysfunctional uterine bleeding. In sustaining period of menstruation, 17.5% of them had a shortened menstruation period, and 8.9% had a prolonged period. In case of menstrual quantity, less than normal quantity was reported by 26.9% of respondents and more than normal quantity was reported by 8.8%. 26.6% of respondents reported their menstrual blood was impure and the color was dark. Blood clots were increased in 27.5% of respondents. 86.6% went through premenstrual syndrome, and 34.3% had worsened menstrual pain. Studying was affected by menstrual pain in 83.9% of respondents. Of treating the disorder, 66.2% of them said they just waited till the pain went away, and 26.9% of them said they went to a pharmacy, and 2.4% of them said they went to an oriental medical clinic. Conclusions: From the above results, it is concluded that stress has a close connection with menstrual disorders. And it affects senior highschool female students' education, while they don't take proper treatments. Hence we think that we must have a lot of concern about senior female students and they must receive proper treatments.



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