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- J Neurochem. v.71 no.5 Nonsteroid -al anti-inflammatory drugs increase tumor necrosis factor production in the periphery but not in the central nervous system in mice and rats Sacco S.;Agnello D.;Sottocorno M.;Lozza G.;Monopoli A.;Villa P.;Ghezzi P.
- J.Cereb. BloodFolw Metab. v.15 Marked induction of Calcium-independent nitric-oxide synthase activity after focal cerebral-ischemia Iadecola, C.;Xu, X.H.;Ahang, F.Y.;Elfakahany, E.E.;Rose, M.E.
- Am. J. Physiol. v.37 Inhibition of inducible nitric-oxide synthase ameliorates cerebral ischemic damage Iadecola, C.;Zhang, F.Y.;Xu, X.H.
- J Mol Cell Cardiol. v.29 no.9 Protection by inhibition of poly(ADP-ribose) synthetase against oxidant injury in cardiac myoblast In vitro Gilad, E.;Zingarelli B.;Salzman AL.;Szabo C.