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- Cerabral energy metabolism Cerabral Energy Metabolism and Metabolic Encephalopathy Harkins, R.;McCandless, D.W.(ed.)
- Ischemic encephalopathy Cerebral Energy Metabolism and Metabolic Encephalopathy Lust, W.D.;Yasumoto, Y.;Wittingham, T.S.;Djuricic, B.;Mrsulja, B.B.;Passonneau, J.;McCandless, D.W.(ed.)
- Nature Endothelium-derived relaxing factor release on activation of NMDA receptors suggests a role as intercellular messanger in the brain Garthwaite, J.;Chales, S.L.;Chess-Williams, R.
- Progr. Neurobiol. v.42 Nitric oxide a radical neurotransmitter in the central mervous system Vincent, S.R.
- Biochim. Biophys. Acta v.1181 EPR spintrapping study of nitric-oxide formation during bilateral carotid occlusion in the rat Sato, S.;Tominaga, T.;Ohnishi, S.T.
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- Brain Res. v.647 Electron-para-magnatic-resorance study on nitric oxide production during brain focal ischemia and reperfusion in the rat Sato, S.;Tominaga, T.;Ohnishi, S.T.
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- Stroke v.24 nitric-oxide production during focal cerebral-ischemia in rat Kader, A.;Frazzini, V.I.;Solomon, R.A.;Triffiletti, R.R.
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- Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA Nitric oxide mediates glutamate neurotoxicity in primary cortical cultures Dawson, V.L.;Dawson, T.M.;London, E.D.;Bredt, D.S.;Snyder, S.H.
- J. Neurosci. v.13 Mechanism of nitric oxide-mediated neurotoxicity in primary brain cultures Dawson, V.L.;Dawson, T.M.;Bartley, D.A.;Uhl, G.R.;Snyder, S.H.
- J. Chem. Neuroanat v.10 Nirtic oxide neurotoxicity Dawson, V.L.;Dawson, T.M.
- Experientia v.49 Towards an understanding of the role of glutamate in neurodegenerative disorders, energy meatabolism and neuropatthology Turski, L.;Turski, L.
- Curr. Opin. Neurol. v.8 Excitotoxicity and neurodegenerattive diseases Ikonomidou, C.;Turski, L.
- Curr. Opin. Neurol. v.8 Role of nitric oxide in neurodegenerative diseases Schulz, J.B.;Matthews, R.T.;Beal, M.F.
- J. eurochem. v.68 Nitric oxidemediated mitocondrial damage in the brain mechanisms and implications for neuro-degenerative diseases Bolaos, J.P.;Almeida, A.;Sttewart, V.;Peuchen, S.;Land, J.M.;Clark, J.B.;Heales, S.J.R.
- Brain Res. v.790 Glutamate neurotoxicity is associated with nitric oxidemediated mitocondrial dysfunction and glutathione depletion Almedia, A.;Heales, S.J.R.;Bolaos, J.P.;Medina, J.M.
- Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. v.87 Isolation of nitric oxide synhease, a calmodulin-requiring enzyme Bredt, D.S.;Synder, S.H.
- Stroke v.27 Inducible nitric oxide synthase gene-expression in vascular cells after transient focal cerebral-ischemia Iadecola, C.;Zhang, F.Y.;Casey, R.;Clark, H.B.;Ross, M.E.