기능성화장품 시장의 세분화: 사용도에 따른 소비자유형별 특성

Segmentation of the Cosmeceuticals Market : Based on Consumer Usage Behavior

  • 이현옥 (경북 외국어테크노대학 패션디자인전공) ;
  • 박경애 (영남대학교 생활과학대학 의류학과)
  • 발행 : 2000.05.01


The purposes of this study were to segment the cosmeceuticals market based on consumer usage behavior and to develop a profile of each segment using appearance-related variables, purchase attributes, purchase behavior and demographics. A total of 518 responses collected from a questionnaire survey to female consumers was analyzed. Cluster analysis on usage behavior of cosmeceutical products identified three groups including: Anti-aging/Whitening/Slimming product users (22% ); Pore-control product users(20%); and Minimum users(57%). MANOVA, ANOVA and Chi-square analysis revealed significant differences among the three groups on 2 appearance-related variables, 3 purchase attribute factors, 4 purchase behaviors, and 2 demographic characteristics. Based on the results, the study developed a profile of each segment and provided marketing implications.



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