FIR Filter Design for SSB/BPSK-DS/CDMA Using Look-Up Table

Look-Up 테이블을 이용한 SSB/BPSK-DS/CDMA용 FIR 필터 설계

  • 김명순 (전북대학교 전자정부공학부 정보통신연구소)
  • Published : 2000.10.01


In this paper, an efficient pulse shaping filter architecture for SSB/BPSK-DS/CDMA is proposed. The filter satisfies the specifications in IS-95. The proposed architecture is based on polyphase decomposition and look-up table method. By exploiting the linear phase property of the decomposed filter coefficients, the chip area required for look-up table can be reduced by half compared with the conventional methods. By Synopsys simulations, it is shown that the use of the proposed method can result in reduction in the number of gates by 40%.



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  2. Digital Communication Fundamentals and Applications Bernard Sklar
  3. ISCAS 98 Multiple 1:N interpolation FIR filter Design Based on a single architecture In Kang(et al.)
  4. Digital Signal Processing: Principles, Algorithms, and Applications J. Proakis;D. Manolakis
  5. Multirate Systems and Filter Banks P.P Vaidyanathan
  6. JCCI 2000 SSB/BPSK-DS/CDMA를 위한 1:N Interpolation FIR 필터 디자인 김명순;김대익;정진균;임명섭