유압 서보계의 $\delta$연산자를 이용한 모델기준형적응제어

Model Reference Adaptive Control Using $\delta$-Operator of Hydraulic Servosystem

  • 발행 : 2000.11.01


The MRAC theory has proved to be one of the most popular algorithms in the field of adaptive control, particularly for practical application to devices such as an hydraulic servosystem of which parameters are unknown or varying during operation. For small sampling period, the discrete time system becomes a nonminimal phase system. The $\delta$-MRAC was introduced to obtain the control performance of nonminimal phase system, because the z-MRAC can not control the plant for small sampling period. In this paper, $\delta$-MRAC is applied to the control of an hydraulic servosystem which is composed of servovalve, hydraulic cylinder and inertia load.



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