- T.A.M.S. v.251 On Castelnuovo's inequalities for algebraic curves I R. D. M. Accola
- Comment. Math. Helv v.56 Su una congettura di Petri E. Arbarello;M. Cornalba
Math. Ann.
Footnotes to a paper of Beniamino Segre. The number of
$g^1_d$ 's on a general d-gonal curve, and the unirationality of the Hurwitz space of 4-gonal and 5-gonal curves E. Arbarello;M. Cornalba - Manuscr. Math. v.98 Linear systems on singular curves C. F. Carvalho
- J. reine angew. Math. v.501 Degenerations of planar linear systems C. Ciliberto;R. Miranda
- Preprint v.221 A study of 4-gonal curves of genus g ≥ 7 M. Coppens
- Ph. D. Thesis Utrecht One-dimensional linear systems of type II on smooth curves M. Coppens
- Bull. London Math. Soc. v.20 On G. Martens' characterization of smooth plane curves M. Coppens
Arch. Math.
Smooth curves possessing many linear systems
$g^ 1_n$ M. Coppens - Math. Ann. v.289 The gonality of general smooth curves with a prescribed plane nodal model M. Coppens
- Journal of Algebra v.145 Free linear systems on integral Gorenstein curves M. Coppens
Math. Ann.
The existence of k-gonal curves having exactly two linear systems
$g^1_k$ M. Coppens - Indag. Math. v.10 Smooth curves possessing a small number of linear systems computing the gonality M. Coppens
- Manuscripta Math. v.70 The gonality of smooth curves with plane models M. Coppens;T. Kato
- Boll. U.M.I. v.11-B The Weierstrass gap sequence at an inflection point on a nodel plane curves, aligned inflection points on plane curves M. Coppens;T. Kato
- T.A.M.S. v.350 Geometry of families of nodal curves on the blown-up of projective plane G.-M. Greuel;C. Lossen;E. Shustin
- Manuscripta Math. v.50 Le methode d'Horace pour l'interpolation a plusieurs variables? A. Hirschowitz
- Math. Ann. v.100 Sui moduli delle curve poligonali e sopra un complemento al teorema di Riemann B. Segre
- Canadian J. Math. v.41 On plane curves with nodes I R. Treger