신축 농촌주택의 표준설계도 이용과 주거만족도 -충북 옥천군 군북면과 충남 예산군 고덕면을 중심으로-

A Study on the Use of the Standard Plans and Housing Satisfaction Level of the Recently Constructed Rural Houses

  • 박경옥 (충북대학교 가정관리학과)
  • 발행 : 1999.10.25


The purpose of this study was to provide basic information on the rural house planning through the research on the use of the standard plans, architectural characteristics, importance of the planning points and housing satisfaction of the residents. 25 rural households scattered around Chungchong provinces-south and north- were surveyed for this study through the questionnaire method. The results of this study were as follows. The importance considered first was the low construction costs, and therefore the standard plans were not fully acknowledged and commonly used. Most real plans are the single-floor houses with 3 rooms, having 25-30 pyong magnitude. The planning points stressed highly were the storage space, convenience of the plan and size of the living room. Housing satisfaction level was high on direction of the facade, size of the living room and position of the bath/washing room, but low for the storage space.
