A Study and Implementation of the Heuristic Autonesting Algorithm in the 2 Dimension Space

2차원 공간에서의 휴리스틱 배치 알고리즘 및 구현에 관한 연구

  • Published : 1999.09.01


In order to reduce the cost of product and save the processing time, optimal nesting of two-dimensional part is an important application in number of industries like shipbuilding and garment making. There have been many studies on finding the optimal solution of two-dimensional nesting. The problem of two-dimensional nesting has a non-deterministic characteristic and there have been various attempts to solve the problem by reducing the size of problem rather than solving the problem as a whole. Heuristic method and linearlization are often used to find an optimal solution of the problem. In this paper, theoretical and practical nesting algorithm for rectangular, circular and irregular shape of two-dimensional parts is proposed. Both No-Fit-Polygon and Minkowski-Sum are used for solving the overlapping problem of two parts and the dynamic programming technique is used for reducing the number search spae in order to find an optimal solution. Also, nesting designer's expertise is complied into the proposed algorithm to supplement the heuristic method.



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