배초향 잎의 유용성분과 특성

Characteristics of Useful Components in the Leaves of Baechohyang(Agastache rugosa, O. Kuntze)

  • 발행 : 1999.04.01


In order to develope useful components and to apply in food additives, various components in the leaves of baechohyang were determined according to picking date. Moisture and ash were reached to 74~82%, 1.5~3.4%, respectively, and major sugars were fructose, glucose, sucrose, and maltose. Glutamic, aspartic acid, and leucine constituted the main component amino acids and their contents were relatively higher in the samples of summer and young leaves. Among free amino acids, histidine showed the highest components and methionine were the lowest. Potassium, calcium, and sodium were main mineral components. The content of ascorbic acid were 6.6~9.2mg% and seasonal variations were negligible. Muture leaves contained more polyphenols as much as 108~181mg% and the amount of bound fractions were much more. Periodic evaluation of phenolic compounds were made and major components of bound fractions were caffeic, syringic, and ferulic acid.



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