동경의 녹지공간 조성과 그 운용에 관한 연구 -도시공원을 중심으로-

A Study on the Creating and Utilizing the Green Space in Tokyo -focusing on city parks-

  • 발행 : 1999.09.01


In this study, I investigate how city parks have been created, and what are some characteristics of the location and function of 69 city parks in Tokyo. The city parks in Tokyo have been made in three patterns. The first is planned parks which have been created as a urban facilities considering the scales and types. The second is memorial parks which have been made to memorialize the national monumental event or to preserve natural and cultural resources. The third is public property parks which have been made by occurrence of public vacant land which is resulted from the grant of Royal Garden, restoration of public rented ground, producton of reclaimed land, utilization of dry river bed. The city parks can be classified in five patterns according to distance from CBD and park area. The first is central parks which have historical characteristics strongly. The second is planned parks that are specialized functionally. The third is large scale urban edge parks which are located in the edge of 23-Gu(district) in Tokyo. The fourth is hill parks which have natural characteristics strongly. The fifth is waterside parks that are located along a lake, a pond, a river, or artificial waterside facilities. From this study I have found out that a great effort has been made to activate the utilization of parks for residents in Tokyo, through mnagement goals and ways of parks, composition and chatacteristics of park facility resources, various Events, residents participation in undertaking of parks.



  1. 한국도시지리학회지 v.1 no.1 수도권의 녹지관리방안에 관한 연구 권용우
  2. 한국조경학회지 v.22 no.3 생태도시로 전환을 위한 서울시 공원녹지정책의 역할 김귀곤
  3. 환경과 조경 v.69 서울시 공원 녹지 정책의 변천사 김덕삼
  4. 환경과 조경 v.60 도시공원의 새로운 시도 김동찬
  5. 한국조경학회지 v.23 no.4 도시공원의 관리체계에 관한 연구 김동필;이기철
  6. 국토계획 v.31 no.3 공원녹지관리 운영실태 및 의식구조에 관한 연구 박율진;김동찬
  7. 한국조경학회지 v.21 no.2 일본의 도시공원의 운영관리체계와 개선에 관한 사례적고찰 이기철
  8. 시민의 도시 시민과 함께 만드는 녹색도시 이창우
  9. 삶의 질 향상을 위한 21세기 도시개발방향토론회논문집 우리 도시환경의 문제와 대책 최병선
  10. 한국지역지리학회지 v.2 no.2 도시공원의 속성과 문제점 최석주
  11. 公園の變遷と利用形熊に關する硏究 公園利用實熊調査委員會
  12. 東京の公園通誌 上 末松四郞
  13. 東京の公園通誌 下 末松四郞
  14. 都市綠化 高原英重
  15. 東京都の公園100平 東京都
  16. 都立公園の維持管理技術指針 東京都
  17. 公園調書 東京都
  18. 都立公園ガィド 東京都
  19. 東京都の公園綠地マツプ 東京都
  20. Planning of Tokyo 東京都
  21. 公園·靈園事業槪要 東京都建設局
  22. 事業槪要 東京都西部公園綠地事務所
  23. 現代日本の都市 都市における綠地空間 橋結直道;靑木榮一(外)
  24. 地理學評論 v.53 東京都における都市公園の發達過程とその分布構造 橋結直道
  25. 第7回環境情報科學論文集 東京都區部にすける親水公園の形熊·機能特性に關する訓査硏究 畔柳昭雄(外)
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  27. 都市綠化計劃論 丸田賴一
  28. 都市(동경대학공개강좌) 都市の自然 武內和彦;大井 玄(外)