- 조사통계월보 no.1월 1998년중 금융 외환시장 동향과 향후 정책과제 나상욱;임철재
- 담론 21, 새정치국민회의 금융구조조정 이제 시작일 뿐이다 이진순
- 뉴금융라운드: 세계 금융체제 개편 논쟁 이찬근
- 금융기관점포총람 전국은행 연합회
- 금융기관점포총람(디지탈 포맷) 전국은행 연합회
- 조사통계월보 no.11월 최근의 국제금융시스템 개편논의와 향후 전망 조영우;이동현
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- 한국도시지리학회지 v.1 no.1 세계화 시대의 도시지리 연구를 위한 글러벌 패러다임의 쟁점과 연구동향 최재헌
- 조사통계월보 no.1월 1998년중 금융·외환시장 동향과 향후 정책과제 한국은행
- 조사통계월보 no.2월 최근 주요 금융관계법의 제정 및 개정내용 한국은행
- 조사통계월보 no.8월 금융산업 구조조정의 현황과 향후 과제 허재성;장민
- International Journal of Urban and Regional Research v.16 Neo-Marshallian nodes in global networks Amin,A.;Thrift,N.
- Managing Cities: The New Urban Context Globalization, institutional thickness and the local economy Amin,A.;Thrift,N.;Healey,P.(ed.);Cameron,S.(ed.);Davoudi,S.(ed.);Graham,S.(ed.);Madani-Pour, A.(ed.)
- Money, Power, and Space Corbridge,S.;Martin,R.;Thrift,N.
- The Limits to Capital Harvey,D.
- Global Restructuring and Territorial Development Henderson,J.(ed.);Castells,M.(ed.)
- The Fonnation of Financial Centers: a Study in Comparative Economic History Kindleberger,C.P.
- International Journal of Urban and Regional Research v.17 Interurban competition? Financial centers and the geography of financial production Lee,R.;Schmiddt-Marede,U.
- Money/Space: Geographies of Monetary Transformation Leyshon,A.;Thrift,N.
- Urbanization in the Developing World Circuit and networks of capital: the internationalization of the world economy and national urbanization McGee,T.G.;Drakakis-Smith, D.(ed.)
- The Geography of Finance: Spatial Dimensions of Intermediary Behavior Porleous,D.J.
- Economic Geography v.71 no.2 Small place, big money: The Cayman islands and the international financial system Roberts,S.M.
- The Global City: New York, London, Tokyo Sassen,S.
- Money, Power, and Space From Bretton Woods to the Casino Economy Strange,S.;Corbridge,S.;Martin,R.;Thrift,N.
- Environment and Planning D: Society and Space v.22 The perils of the international financial system Thrift,N.
- Professional Geographer v.41 Telecommunications and the globalization of financial services Warf,B.