- Journal of biological chemistry v.270 no.52 X-gene product antagonizes the p53-mediated inhibition of hepatitis B virus replication through regulation of the pregenomic/core promoter Lee H.S.(et al.)
- Proc. Natl. Acd. Sci. v.80 Transduction of a cellular oncogene Ronald Swanstom(et al.)
- 第二次中韓鶴術硏討會 中方論文全輯 病毒性乙型肝炎的辨證論治 車念聰
- 抗癌中草藥大辭典 劉春安;彭明(主編)
- Nature v.316 no.6024 Human N-myc gene contributes to neoplastic transformation of mammalian cells in culture Schwab, M.;Varmus, H.E.;Bishop, J.M.
- Science v.254 Gowth factor and cancer Stuart, A. Aaronson
- Science v.254 Tumor suppresor gene Robert A. Weinberg
- Cell v.75 WAF-1, a potential mediator of p53 tumor suppression Wafik(et al)
- Cell v.75 The p21 cdk-interacting protein Cipl is a potent inhibitor of G1 cyclin-dependent kinases Haper, J.A.(et al.)
- J. hepatol v.15 Hepatitis X gene expression in hepatocellular carcinoma Diamantis I.D.(et al.)
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- Proc Natl Acad Sci v.92 no.24 Hepatitis B virus HBx protein deregulates cell cycle check point controls Benn, J.(et al.)
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- Cell v.59 Molecular pathogenesis of hepatocellular carcinoma in hepatitis B virus transgenic mice Chisari, F.V.(et al.)
- Hepatology v.7 Liver cell dysplasia: what is its significance? Anthony, P.B.
- Radiology v.197 Hepatic metastasis: Basic principle and implications for radiolgist Baker, M.E.(et al.)
- 제2회 한중학술대회(간장병)논문집 만성 B형 간염에 대한 인진청간탕의 효과 우홍정
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- The 8th Int'l Congress of Oriental Medicine Cyong, Jong-Chol;Minoru Furuya
- 경희의약 v.13 no.3 A study on the therapeutic effect of oriental medicine on hepatitis B 우홍정;이장훈;김영철
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- Journal of biological chemistry v.269 no.50 Interleukin-1 activates p54 mitogen-activated protein(MAP) kinase/stress-activated protein kinase by a pathway that is independent of p21ras, paf-1, and MAP kinase kinase Timothy, A. Bird(et al.)
- Proc. Natl. Acad. SCI. v.91 Hepatitis B virus HBx protein activates Ras-GTP complex formation and establishes a Ras, Raf, MAP kinase signaling cascade. Jacquline, Benn(et al.)
- The EMBO Journal v.14 no.19 The hepatitis B virus HBx protein is a dual specificity cytoplasmic activator of ras and nuclear activator of transcription factors Margherita, Doria(et al.)
- 97년 사망원인 통계연보 통계청
- Blackwell science Diseases of the liver and biliary system Sherlock, Sheila;Dooley, James
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