The Supply and Demand Analysis of the Oriental Medical Doctor and Its Uses in Assisting Policy Making

한의사인력 수급 추계 및 정책 활용방안

  • Published : 1999.06.30


This study was performed to investigate the supply and demand of the oriental medical doctor(OMD) based on the supply and demand analysis of OMD up to the year 1997. The baseline projection and demographic methods were considered to examine the supply of OMD. On the contrary, for the demand analysis, two different approaches were conducted with the nonlinear regression model. The findings of this study indicate that the OMD will be oversupplied before the year 2012 with decreasing rate. However, when we consider the demand of OMD in the future. it is anticipated that the demand of oriental medicine will be increased rapidly with two major aspects. The first is the expansion of insurance benefits. The second is the increasing number of adult diseases because of the aging of the population structure. Therefore, the effective cooperation system and mutual exchange between western and oriental medicine is required for the future. Also. it is necessary to make the oriental medicine of the pharmaceutical services in more scientific way for the appropriate policy of the demand and supply of OMD. For the future study, the students who study abroad, especially China should be considered. These students will be the key element for the future supply of OMD.



  1. 장기보건의료인력 수급계획 워크샵보고 한국인구보건연구원
  2. 의료공급의 효율화 방안 연찬회 발표원고 의료자원의 수급 및 효율적 활용방안 연하청
  3. 의료인력의 관리 연찬회 발표 원고 의료인력의 생산성과 관련요인에 관한 고찰 양봉민
  4. 의약인력의 수급전망과 정책과제 - 의사, 한의사, 치과의사, 간호사, 약사 - 최은영;조재국;김진수;이우백
  5. 國民衛生の動向 厚生統計協會
  6. OECD Health Systems: Vol.II-The Socio-economic Environment Statistical References v.II OECD
  7. OECD Health Systems;Facts and Trends v.1 OECD
  8. Statistical Abstract of the United States 1997 U.S. Department of Commerce, Economics and Statistics Administration
  9. Health United States 1992 and Healthy People 2000 Review U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
  10. Health United States 1996-97 and Injury Chartbook U.S. Department of Health and Human Services