Supported by : 한국학술진흥재단
A pilot study was undertaken to examine the possible health effects of electromagnetic fields(EMFs). The purpose of this study was to investigate of the EMFs exposures of personal environment, 60Hz magnetic fields. An experimental study was performed for six weeks of January-February 1998 to compare changes in melatonin levels in urine of 20 subjects during their normal sleeping hours and each 20 subjects in occupational and non-occupational group measured personal 24-h continual exposure, using EMDEX II (for 40-800Hz, Enertech Consultant, Inc.). An urine samples were collected 3 times a day(before sleep or around 24:00 ; immediately after wake-up ; around noon) for an week from each subjects and analyzed by radioimmunoassay. This study did not significant difference for the subjective average melatonin levels between occupational and nonoccupational groups exposed to electromagnetic fields. The mean personal exposure levels of occupational group were
Supported by : 한국학술진흥재단