A Comparison of Microtuberization Efficiency between Normal and Adenosine Deaminase Transgenic Potato Plantlets Cultured In Vitro

Adenosine Deaminase 형질전환식물체와 정상식물체간의 인공씨감자 형성비교

  • 최경화 (생명공학연구소 식물조직배양 R.U.)
  • Published : 1998.08.01


A Study was conducted to investigate comparison of in vitro tuberization between normal and transgenic potato plantlets harboring adenosine deaminase gene in potato cultivar of Desiree. In time course study of in vitro tuberization, the rate of tuberization in four lines were increased till 6 weeks. but maintained stil after 7 weeks. Microtuber initiation of transgenic lines, 43 and 39 were faster than other lines, but no difference was observed after 5 weeks compared with normal plantlets. In all transgenic lines, the majoirty of microtubers produced were small(less than 100 mg) and medium(100-200mg) size rather than large size(more than 200 mg). Among 4 lines , line 9 produced the highest number of microtubers per each culture vessel. The results of this experiment suggest that there is no significant difference in microtuber production efficiency between normal and transgenic potatoes.



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