- Am. Potato Journal v.68 Diurnal temperature fluctuation effects on potatoes grown with 12hr photoperiods Bennett S.M.;Tibbitts T.W.;Cao W.
- Trends Biotechnol. v.10 Removal of selectable marker genes from transgenic plants: needless sophistication or social necessity Bryant J.;Leather S.
- Physiologia Plantarum v.11 Tuberization in the potato plant Chapman, H.W.
- 식물조직배양학회지 v.23 Mouse Adenosine Deaminase 유전자 발현을 통한 감자 형질전환체의 효율적인 선발방법 최경화;전재홍;김현순;정영희;양덕춘;정혁
- J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. v.111 Response of potatoes to nitrogen form and to change in nitrogen form at tuber initiation Davis, J.M.;Loescher, W.H.;Hammond, M.W.;Thornton, R.E.
- Plant Physiol. v.61 Shoot, stolon, and tuber formation on potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cuttings in response to photoperiod. Ewing, E.E.
- Plant Cell Reports v.13 Transformation of potato (Solanum tuberosum) cv. Mantigueira using Agrobacterium tumefaciens and evaluation of herbicide resistance Filho, E.S.F.;Figueiredo L.F.A.;Monte-Neshich D.C.
- Bio/Technology v.10 Selectable marker genes: safe for plant? Flavell, R.B.;Dart, E.;Fuch, R. L. S.;Fraley R.T.
- 식물조직배양학회지 v.18 감자줄기의 생리적 상태가 기내 소괴 경형성에 미치는 영향 전재홍;정혁;박세원;김현순;변시명
- Plant Cell Reports v.15 Stability and expression of amplified EPSPS genes in glyphosate resistant tobacco cells and plantlets Jones, J.D.;Goldsbrough P.B.;Weller S.C.
- '89 Agricultural biotechnology symposium Mass production of potato microtuber by tissue culture technique and its application Joung H.
- 한국원예학회지 v.33 밤.낮의 변온처리가 감자의 기내소괴경 형성에 미치는 영향 김현순;전재홍;박세원;정혁
- Plant Cell Physiol. v.29 Detection of potato tuber-inducing activity in potato leaves and old tubers, Koda, Y.;Okazawa, Y.
- Physiologia Plantarum v.15 A revised medium for rapid growth and bioassays with tobacco tissue cultures Murashige T.;Skoog F.
- Plant Mol. Biol. v.21 Use of bar as a selectable marker gene and for the production of herbicide-resistant rice plants from protoplasts Rathore K.S.;Chowdhury V.K.;Hodges T.K.
- Plant Science v.59 Genetic transformation of potato(Solanum tuberosum):An efficient method to obtain transgenic plants Tavazza R.;Tavazza M.;Ordas R.J.;Ancora G.;Benvenuto E.
- Plant Cell Report v.10 The role of ethylene and reducing agents on another culture response of tetraploid potato(Solanum tubersosum L.) Tiainer, T.