웨이브릿 영상 압축을 위한 인간 시각 가중 양자화기의 설계

A design of visual weighted quantizer for wavelet image compression

  • 엄일규 (밀양산업대학교 정보통신공학과) ;
  • 김재호 (부산대학교 전자공학과 영상통신 실험실)
  • 발행 : 1997.03.01


In this paper, a wavelet image compression method using human visually estimated quantizer is proposed. The quantizer has three components. These are constructed by using effects of frequency band, background luminance, and spatial masking. The first quantization factor is a fixed constant value for each band. The second factor is calculated by averaging four wavelet coefficients in the lowest frequency band. The third factor is determined by the difference between wavelet coefficients in the lowest frequency band. Arithmetic coding is used for encoding quantized wavelet coefficients. Coefficients in the lowest band are transmitted without loss. Therefore the compressed image is decompressed by using three quantization factors which can be calculated in the receiver. Compared with previous image compression methods which adopted human visual system, the proposed method shows improved results with less computational cost.



  1. IEEE Trans. on Image Processing v.1 no.2 Image Coding Using Wavelet Transform M. Antonini;M. Barlaud;P. Mathieu;I. Daubechies
  2. SPIE v.2029 Wavelet Transform Coding Using NIVQ X. Wang;S. Panchanathan
  3. Proc. of SPIE, Visual Info. II Embedded Image Coding Using Zerotrees of Wavelet Coefficients J. N. Bradley;C. M. Brislawn;T. Hopper
  4. IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing v.41 no.2 Embedded Image Coding Using Zerotrees of Wavelet Coefficients J. M. Shapiro
  5. Advanced Imaging Wavelet-Based Image Compression:Commercializing the Capabilities L. J. Nelson
  6. SPIE v.1913 Perceptual Coding fo Images N. Jayant;J. Johnston;R. Safranek
  7. SPIE v.2411 A Comparison of the Coding Efficiency of Perceptual Models R. J. Safranek
  8. SPIE v.1913 An Improved Detection Model for DCT Coefficient Quantization H. A. Peterson
  9. SPIE v.1913 DCT Quantization Matrices Visually Optimized for Individual Images A. B. Watson
  10. SPIE v.2657 Visual Thresholds for Wavelet Quantization Error A. B. Watson;G. Y. Yang;J. A. Soloman;J. Villasenor
  11. IEEE Trans. on Image Processing v.1 no.2 Image Compression Using the 2-D Wavelet Transform A. S. Lewis;G. Knowles
  12. SPIE v.2491 Comparison of Wavelet Image Coders Using the Picture Quality Scale(PQS) J. Lu;V. R. Algazi;R. R. Estes
  13. Submitted to IEEE Transaction on Communications Objective Picture Quality Scale(PQS) for Image Coding M. Miyajara;K. Kotani;V. R. Algazi
  14. Comm. Pure App. Math. v.41 Orthogonal Bases for Compactly Supported Wavelets I. Daubechies