GPS 수신기용 역확산 지연 동기 루프의 FPGA 회로 구현과 성능 분석

FPGA circuit implementation of despreading delay lack loop for GPS receiver and preformance analysis

  • 발행 : 1997.03.01


In this paper, we implement digital circuit of despreading delay lock loop for GPS receiver. The designed system consists of Epoch signal generator, two 13bit correlators which correlates the received C/A code and the locally generated C/A code in the receiver, the C/A code generator which generates C/A code of selected satellite, and the direct digital clock synthesizer which generates the clock of the C/A code generator to control the phase and clock rate, the clock controller, and the clock divider. The designed circuit has the function of the acquisition and tracking by the autocorrelation characteristics of Gold code. The controller generates each other control signals according to the correlation value. The designed circuit is simulated to verify the logic functional performance. By using the simulator STR-2770 that generates the virtual GPS signal, the deigned FPGA chip is verified the circuit performance.



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