The effect of Sojadodamgangkitang on the pulmonary injury caused by $SO_2$ in rats

소자도담강기탕(蘇子導痰降氣湯)이 $SO_2$에 의한 흰쥐의 호흡기손상(呼吸器損傷)에 미치는 영향(影響)

  • 박동일 (동서대학교 한의학과) ;
  • 김봉재 (동서대학교 한의학과 대학원)
  • Published : 1997.04.30


This experiment was performed in order to study the clinical effect of Sojadodamgangkitang on the pulmonary injury caused by $SO_2$. Healthy adult male rats weighing about 250g were divided into 4 groups-the Normal group, the Control group, the group of Sojadodamgangkitang administration for 5 days after $SO_2$ gas exposure(Sample I), and the group of Sojadodamgangkitang administration for 10 days before and for 5days after $SO_2$ gas exposure(Sample II). The results were obtained as. follows; 1. In comparison with Control group, Sample I and Sample II were revealed significant effect on the total number of leucocyte. 2. In comparison with Control group, Sample I and Sample II were revealed significant effect on. the erythrocyte sedimentation rate. 3. In the effect on the lung weight, Sample I and Sample II were revealed significantly. 4. In the effect on the lung TBA level, only Sample II was revealed significantly. 5. In the effect on the tracheal glycoprotein level, Sample I and Sample II were revealed significantly. According to above results, Sojadodamgangkitang had significant effect on the pulmonary injury caused by $SO_2$ in rats.



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