- Stroke v.7 A classification of experimental models of brain ischemia Molinari GF;Laurent JP
- J Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism v.1 Focal cerebral ischemia in the rat:1.Description of technique and early neuropathological consequences following middle cerebral artery occlusion Tamura A;Graham DI;Mccullloch J;Teasdale GM
- Stroke v.20 Correlation between cerebral blood flow and histologic changes in a new rat model of middle cerebral artery occlusion Nagasawa H;Kogure K
- Stroke:Animal models Experimental inarcts in cat, gerbilis and rats Hossmann KA;Miles G;Paschen W;Matsuoka Y;Schuier FJ;Bosma HJ;Stefanovich V(ed)
- Stroke v.17 A model of focal ischemic stroke in the rat: Reproducible extensive cortical infarction Chen ST;Hsu CY;Hogan EL;Maricq H;Balentine JD
- Circ Res v.14 Measurement of local blood flow with hydrogen gas Aukland K;Bower BFF;Berliner RW
- Stroke v.4 The hydrogen clararance method in assessment of blood flow in cortex, white matter and deep nuclei of baboons Pasztor E;Symon L;Dorsch NWC;Branston NM
- The rat brain in stereotaxic coordinates(2nd ed) Paxinos G;Watson C
- Stroke v.17 Rat middle cerebral artery occlusion:evaluation of the model and development of a neurologic examination Bederson JB;Pitts LH;Tsuji M;Nishimura MC;Davis RL;Bartkowski H
- Stroke v.22 Evaluation of 2, 3, 5-triphenytetra-zolium chloride staining to delineate rat brain infarcts Isayama K;Pitts LH;Nishimura Me
- Stroke v.20 Rodent models of cerebral ischemia Ginsberg MD;Busto R
- J Cereb Blood Flow Metab v.8 The quantification of cerebral infarction following focal ischemia in the rat:lnfluence of strain, arterial pressure, blood glucose concentration and age Duverger D;MacKenzie ET
- Acta Physiol Scand v.118 cerebral circulatory responses to hypercarpnia and hypoxia in the recovery period following complete and incomplete cerebral ischemia in the rat Kagostrom e;Smith ML;Siesjo BK
- Neurosurgery v.31 Middle cerebral artery occlusion In rats:A neurologic and pathologic evaluation of a reproducible model Menzies SA;Hoff JT;Betz AL
- Stroke v.19 lschemic cortical lesions after permanent occlusion of individual middle cerebral artyery branches in rats Rubino GJ;Young W
- Surg Neurol v.24 Pure corticalischemia versus striatal ischemia:Circulatory, metabolic, and neuropathologic consequences Shigeno T;Mcculloch J;Graham Dl;Mendelow AD;Teasdale GM
- Ana Record v.203 Doral cerebral arterial collaterals of the rat Coyle P
- J Neural Neurosurg Psychiatry v.50 Quantitative assessment of early brain damage in a rat model of focal cerebral ischemia Osborne KA;Shigeno T;Balarsky AM;Ford I;Mcculloch J;Teasdale GM;Graham DI
- Acta Neurol Scand v.69 Models for studing long term recovery following forebrain ischemia in the rat. 2.A 2-vessel occlusion model Smith ML;Bendek G;Dahlgren N;Rosen I;Wieloch T;Siesjo BK