Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
- Volume 22 Issue 3
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- Pages.161-170
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- 1997
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- 2508-1888(pISSN)
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- 2466-2461(eISSN)
Characteristics of $CaSO_4$ :Dy TL Dosimeters by Determining LLDs, Fadings and Sensitivity Changes in Repeat Uses
최소검출한계, 잠상퇴행 및 반복사용으로 인한 감도면화 결정에 의한 $CaSO_4$ :Dy 열형광선량계 특성
Kim, Jang-Lyul
(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) ;
Kim, Bong-Hwan
(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) ;
Chang, Si-Young
(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) ;
Lee, Hyung-Sub
(Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) ;
Lee, Jae-Ki
(Han-Yang University)
- Published : 1997.09.30
Theoretical and experimental determination of the lower limits of detection (LLD) of C-300-A
현재 한국원자력연구소에서 개인방사선피폭관리용으로 사용되고 있는 C-300-A