Incentives to Pioneer the Next Generation Market for Two Firms with Asymmetric Conditions

비대칭적 조건하에서 기업간의 신시장 개척 유인 분석

  • 임종인 (과학기술정책관리연구소) ;
  • 오형식 (서울대학교 산업공학과)
  • Received : 19951200
  • Published : 1996.06.30


In this paper, a market share competition model for two firms with asymmetric conditions is considered with. In the model, the asymmetry between two firms is given by the difference of market shares In the existing market and the change of market share is supposed to be occurred only through pioneering a new market. Since the timing decision of market pioneering is based on the continuous time domain, a super game structure which has infinitely many numbers of subgames is employed for the modeling. In the course of equilibrium finding, we show that there exists no subgame-perfect pure strategy equilibrium In this game. So, we apply a mixed strategy concept and find a unique subgame-perfect equilibrium behavior strategy. As a result of equilibrium analysis, we know that the relative sizes of pioneering Incentives between two firms are varying with parameter conditions. However, the global speed of market pioneering is proven to be independent with the level of asymmetry between two firms.



Supported by : 학술진흥재단