Experimental studies were done to research the clinical effect of Insamyounpaesan and Insamyounpaesangamibang on viscousity of mucin solution, pulmonary thromboembolism, oxygen consumption in $O_3$ - exposed and Lung TBA in rats and mice. The result was obtained as follows: 1. In the effect of Insamyounpaesan and I nsamyounpaesangami-bang on the rate of viscousity sampled from mucin, Insam-younpaesan and Insamyounpaesangamibang were revealed to have a significant effect of decreasinf the rate of viscousity (p<0.05). 2. In the effect of Insamyounpaesan and Insamyounpaesangami-bang on sodium arachidonic acid induced pulmonary thrombo-embolism, Insamyounpaesan and Insamyounpaesangarnibang were revealed to have an effect of increasing the number of survival(p<0,05), but were not significant. 3. In the effect of Insamyounpaesan and Insamyounpaesangami-bang on ADP induced pulmonary thromboembolism, Insam-younpaesangamibang were revealed to have an effect of increasing the number of survival(p<0.05), but were not significant. 4. In the effect of Insamyounpaesan and Insamyounpaesangami-bang on oxygen cansumption values in rats exposed, Insamyounpaesan and Insamyounpaesangamibang were revealed to have a significant effect on the care of lung damages (p<0.05), but were not significant by Duncan's multiple comparision test. 5. In the effect of Insamyounpaesan and Insamyounpaesangami-bang on the lung TBA values in rats exposed $-O_3$, Insam-younpaesangamibang were revealed to have a significant effect (p<0.05) on the care of lung damages. In connection with the results of the studies, Insamyounpaesan and Insamyounpaesangamibang are concluded to be effective on the treatment of cough and lung and respiratory organ damages.