- Biochem Pharmacol v.49 Antioxidant characterization. Methology and mechanism Halliwell, B.
- 中西醫結合雜誌 v.10 no.8 腎虛, 衰老與自由基的關係以及補腎藥對自由基的影響 梁曉春(外)
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- 本草學 李尙仁
- 重修政和經史證類備用本草 唐愼微(編著)
- 本草從新 吳儀洛
- 中醫長壽學 王基飛;王瑞廷(編著)
- 本草綱目 李時珍
- 中草藥注射劑 錢百炎(外)
- Free radical theory of aging, Role of free radicals in the organization and evolution of life, aging and disease processes. Free Radicals, Aging and Degenerative Disease Harman, D.;Johnson, J.E.(et al.)(ed.)
- Free Radicals in Chemistry and Biology Milan, L.;Jozef, R.;Viliaan, K.;Peter, P.;Ladislav, V.
- Ann Rev Physiol v.52 Free radicals and their involvement during long-term myocardial ischemia and reperfusion Downey, J.M.
- Free Radical Res Commun v.12-13 Therpeutic usages of oxygen radical scavengers in human diseases : myths and realities Greenwald, R.A.
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- 東醫腎系學(上) 杜鎬京
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- 申氏本草學 申佶求
- 中藥大辭典 江蘇中醫學院(編)
- 東醫寶鑑 許浚
- 慶熙韓醫大論文集 v.10 荏油 및 胡桃油水鍼이 鎭痛效果에 미치는 影響 吉村永星;姜成吉
- Lab Invest v.62 Biology of disease. Mechanisms of cell injury by activated oxygen species Farber, J.L.;Kyle, M.E.;Coleman, J.B.
- Am J Physiol v.255 Mechanisms of t-butylhydroperoxide-induced toxicity to rabbit renal proximal tubules Schnellmann, R.G.
- Angew Chem Int Ed v.25 Sies, H. Biochemistry of oxidant stress
- FASEB J v.4 Role of oxygen free radicals in carcinogenesis and brain ischemia Floyd, R.A.
- FASEB J v.9 Oxidative processes and antioxidative defense mechanisms in the againg brain Reiter, R.J.
- Acta Neurol Scand v.126 Oxidants and the central nervous system some fundamental Questions. Is oxidant damage relevant to Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, traumatic injury or stroke? Halliwell, B.
- J Lab Clin Med v.119 Free radicals, antioxidants, and human disease Where are we now? Halliwell, B.;Gutteridge, J.M.C.;Cross, C.E.
- Kid Int v.40 Reactive oxygen species and rat renal epithelial cells during hypoxia and reoxygenation Paller, M.S.;Neumann, T.V.
- Lab Invest v.51 Evidence for the role of oxygen free radicals in acute nephrotoxic nephritis Rehan. A.;Johnson, K.J.;Wiggins, R.C.;Kunkel, R.G.;Ward, P.A.
- J Clin Invest v.81 Evidence of the role of hydroxyl radical in gentamicin-induced acute renal failure in rats Walker, P.D.;Shah, S.V.
- Lab Invest v.47 Biology of disease. Free radicals and tissue injury Freeman, B.A.;Crapo. J.D.