- N Engl j Med v.211 Rupture of the intervertebral disc with involvement of the spinal canal Mixter, W.J.;Barr, J.S.
- Acta Chir Scand v.104 Clinical and myelographic studies of conservatively treated cases of lumbar intervertebral disc protrusion Berg, A.
- Textbook of Spinal Disorders Stephen, I.E.
- Spine v.20 no.6 Presidental address natural course and prognosis of intervertebral disc disease Kraemer, J.
- Cost-effectiveness analysis of extended conservative therapy versus surgical intervention in the management of intervertebral v.17 no.2 Shvartsman, L.;Weingarten, E.;Sherry, H.;Levin, C.;Persaud, A.
- Spine v.14 no.4 Nonoperated treatment of hermiated lumbar intervertebral disc with radiculopathy:An outcom study Saal, J.A.;Saal, J.S.
- Spine v.15 no.7 The natural history of lumbar intervertebral disc extrusions treated nonoperatively Saal, J.A.;Saal, J.S.;Herzog, R.J.
- Spine v.17 no.8 Lumbar disc herniation:Computed tomography scan changes after conservative treatment of nerve root compression Cavallier, M.;Budget, C.;Laredo, J.;Debie, B.;Wybier, M.;Dorfmann, H.(et al.)
- Spine v.17 no.9 Computed tomographic follow-up study of 48 cases of nonoperatively treated lumbar intervertebral disc herniation Maigne, J.;Rime, B.;Deliignet. B.
- Spine v.17 no.10 The natural history of sciatica associated with disc pathology Bush, K.;Cowan, N.;Katz, D.E.;Gishen, P.
- Spine v.8 Lumbar disc herniation : A controlled prospective study with ten years of observation Weber, H.
- Spine v.12 no.9 Factors predicting the results of result of surgery for lumbar intervertebral disc herniation Hurme, M.;Alaranta, H.
- Management of Low Back Pain Carron, H.;Mclaughlin, R.E.
- The Spine Rothman, R.H.;Simeone, F.A.
- 대한재활의학회지 v.18 no.4 보존적 치료로 성공하였던 추간판탈출증 환자의 추적 관찰 김한식;유근식;이양균
- 대한재활의학회지 v.18 no.3 요추 추간판탈출증 환자의 보조직 치료후 경과 관찰 유종운;권도윤;이수아;성인영
- 대한재활의학회지 v.13 no.2 요통의 보존적 치료효과 고차환;권희규;오정희
- 대한재활의학회지 v.17 no.1 요추 추간판탈출증 환자에서 요추 과신전운동의 적용 이상운;이우홍;김은이;김영숙
- 한방물리요법과학회지 v.4 no.1 CT로 확진된 요추추간판 탈출증 30예에 대한 임상 보고 김형균;권영달;이언정
- 대한침구학회지 v.12 no.1 요추추간판탈출증에 대한 임상적 관찰 이병렬;안병철;박동석
- 중국중서의 결합잡지 한글판 v.6 요추추간판 돌출증의 안마요법 치료효과에 대한 CT검사관찰 沈景允;錢明山;張志橋
- 중국중서의 결합잡지 한글판 v.11 사향단구로 요추추간판 탈출증 332예를 치료 張海發;玉孜優;劉偉中;陳偉;曹鐵;孫柏齡(외)
- 新中醫 v.10 推拿治療腰椎間盤突出症180例療效分析 공金德;樓惠軍;吳서조;吳文豹
- 上海中醫雜誌 v.8 電動牽引結合手法整復治療腰椎閒盤突出症97例 張渭源;朱誠;沈望周;徐丕蘭
- 上海中醫雜誌 v.7 加味九分散治療坐骨神經痛38例 謝健斌
- 浙江中醫雜誌 v.19 no.2 身痛逐瘀湯配合骨手法治療腰突症 姜黎耕
- 대한 통증학회지 v.6 no.1 근긴장성 요통의 치료에 대한 새로운 소견 최종립
- Spine v.12 no.8 The inflammatory effect of nucleus pulposus A possible element in the pathogenesis of low back pain McCarron, R.F.;Wimpee, M.W.;Hudkins, P.G.;Laros, G.S.
- Spine v.13 Identification of IgG in the canine interverbral disc Pennington, J.B.;McCarron, R.F.;Laros, G.S.
- Spine v.15 High levels of inflammatory phospholipase A2 activity in lumbar disc herniations Saal, J.S.;Franson, R.C.;Dobrow, R.(et al.)
- Spine v.19 no.18 Prostaglandin release from lumbar disc and facet joint tissue Williburger, R.E.;Wittenberg, R.H.
- J.Orthop. Res. v.9 Identification of human intervertebral disc stromelysin and its involvement in matrix degeneration Liu, J.;Roughley, P.J.;Mort, J.S.
- Spine v.18 no.11 Autologous nucleus pulposus induces neurophysiologic and histologic changes in porcine cauda equina nerve roots Olmarker, K.;Rydevik, B.;Nordborg, C.
- Spine v.19 no.16 Experimental lumbar radiculopathy Kawakami, M.;Weinstein, J.N.;Chatani, K.;Spratt, K.F.;Meller, S.T.;Gebhart, G.F.
- 대한재활의학회지 v.16 no.2 요추간판 탈출증의 비수술적 치료효과에 관여하는 요인들에 대한 검토 방덕영;윤승호
- N Engl J Med v.315 no.17 How amny days bed rest for acute low back pain? Deyo, R.A.;Diehl, A.K.;Rosenthal, M.
- Clin. Orthop v.143 Acute low back pain An objective analysis of conservative therapy Wiesel, S.W.;Rothman, R.H.
- Spine v.14 no.1 Computed tomoraphic investigatio of the effect of traction on lumbar disc herniations 0ne1, D.;Truzci, M.;Sari, H.;demir, K.
- J Oslo City Hosp v.23 Traction therapy in sciatica due to disc prolapse Weber, H.
- Spine v.15 no.2 Conservative treatment of acute low back pain Stankovic, R.;Johnell, O.
- Spine v.16 no.8 Effects of spinal flexion and extension exercise on low back pain and spinal mobility in chronic mechanical low back pain patients Elnaggar, I.M.;Nordin, M.;Shikhzadeh, A.;Pamianpour, M.;Kahanovutz, N.
- Rheumatol. Rehabil. v.18 The value of exercise in the treatment of low back pain Davies, J.E.;Gibson, R.;Tester, L.
- Spine v.17 no.1 The effectiveness of manual therapy physiotherapy and treatment by the general practitioner for nonspecific back and neck complaints Koes, B.W.;Bouter, L.M.;Mameren, H.;Essers, A.H.M.;Verstegen, G.M. Jr.;Hofhuizen, D.M.(et al.)
- 대한물리치료사학회지 v.14 no.2 요추의 정형 물리치료 박지환;박윤기
- Spine v.17 no.12 Cauda equina syndrome in patients undergoing manipulation of the lumbar spine Haldeman, S.;Rubinstein, S.M.
- 원광한의대 논문집 v.2 요추추간판 탈출증에 있어서 좌골신경통을 수반한 요통에 대한 임상적 연구 이언정
- 최신 침구치료학(상권) 木下晴都
- 침구치료학 임종국
- 두면 척추 사지병의 진단과 치료 나창수;황우준;이언정;원진숙
- 新中醫 v.5 電針治療腰腿痛100例療效觀察 包兆貴
- 대한침구학회지 v.12 no.10 요추간판탈출증의 전침치료와 단순 자침치료의 임상적 비교 연구 박수영;안수기
- 대한통증학회지 v.5 no.1 침을 이용한 전기자극 통증치료 신근만;홍순용;최영룡
- 대한한의학회지 v.16 약침치료를 통한 요통 환자의 호전도에 관한 임상적 관찰 육태한
- 동의보감 허준
- 대한통증학회지 v.3 no.1 요통과 그 치료 최훈
- Spine v.15 no.11 A dorsally displaced free fragment of lumbar disc herniation and its interesting histologic findings Hirabayashi, S.;Kumane, K.;Tsuili. T.;Eguchi, M.;Ikeda, S.
- AJNR v.6 Spontaneous regression of hemiated nucleus pulposus Teplick, J.G.;Haskin, H.K.
- Spine v.9 A study of computer assisted tomography The incidence of positive CT scans in asymptomatic group of patients Wiesel, S.W.;Tsourmas, N.;Feffer, L.;Citrin, C.M.;Patronas, N.
- Spine v.18 no.13 Effect of electrical stimulation of motor and cutaneous nerves on spinal cord blood flow Seki, M.;Maeda, M.
- Spine v.14 no.9 A prospective randomized double-blind evaluation of trigger point injection therapy for low back pain Garvey, T.A.;Marks, M.R.;Wiesel, S.W.
- 中醫免疫學 戴新民
- 中藥免疫學 駱和生
- Spine v.20 no.6 Magnetic resonance imaging findings 10years after treatment for lumbar disc herniation Fraser, R.D.;Sandhu, A.;Gogan, W.J.
- 대한정형외과학회지 v.18 no.1 요추 추간판 탈출증의 수술적 요법과 예후 판정에 대한 고찰 노약우(외)
- 대한정형외과학회지 v.19 no.1 요추 추간판 탈출증의 수술적 치료에 대한 임상적 연구 박병문(외)