Comparative Study of the Effect of Man Geum Tang and Bo Yang Whan O Tang as a General Prescription for the Treatment of Motor Disturbance in Sequelae of Cerebrovascular Disease

졸중풍(卒中風) 후유증(後遺症)에 의한 운동장애(運動障碍) 환자(患者)의 치료(治療)를 위한 통용방(通用方)으로서 만금탕(萬金湯)과 보양환오탕(補陽還五湯)의 효과(效果)에 관한 비교(比較) 연구(硏究)

  • 김동웅 (원광대학교 한의과대학 부속 전주한방병원 내과)
  • Published : 1994.10.23


Cerebrovascular disease(CVD) is marked by loss of consciousness. facial palsy and hemiparesis. Although being treated properly in acute stage. CVD is accompanied by various sequelae. So treatment of sequelas is great importance as much as in acute stage. Man Geum Tang(MGT) and Bo Yang Whan O Tang(BYWOT) are representative general prescription for sequelae of CVD. This study is to clarify comparatively the efficiency of MGT and BYWOT. 110 Patients who were administrated with either MGT or BYWOT over 2 weeks for treatment of CVD divided into 2 groups:53 patients(27 males and 26 fomales. average $63.58{\pm}9.48$ years old) adminstated with MGT and 57 patients (32 males and 25 females. average $65.84{\pm}8.93$ years old) with BYWOT. In the patients administrated with MGT. 15 patients were with cerebral hemorrhage and 38 patients were with cerebral infarction. 57 BYWOT group consisted of 27 patients with cerebral hemorrhage and 30 patients with cerebral infarction. MGT with cerebral hemorrhage and 30 patients with cerebral infarction. MGT was administrated for $15.18{\pm}2.43$days and BYWOT for $14.24{\pm}1.24days$. Motor improved significantly(9〈0.005) from grade after administration in upper and lower extremities respectively. In view of comparative effeciency. the grade of motor disturbance after administration in upper extremities showed insignificant(p〉0.005) change to $1.19{\pm}1.18\;and\;0.89{\pm}1.13$ in MGT and BYWOT group respectively. In lower extremities. the grade changed insignificantly (p〉0.05) to $1.26{\pm}1.08\;and\;1.18{\pm}1.10$ respectively. In the patients group with cerebral infarction. the grade of motor disturbance in MGT and BYWOT administration groups respectively were $0.84{\pm}0.14\;and\;0.60{\pm}0.15$ in upper exemities and $0.89{\pm}0.14\;and\;0.90{\pm}0.17$ in lower extremities. The significant difference between two groups didn't appeared. In cerebral hemorrhage patients the grade of motor disturbance were in upper extremities $2.07{\pm}0.33$ in MGT group and $1.59{\pm}0.29$ in BOWOT group and $2.20{\pm}0.26\;and\;1.59{\pm}0.28$ in lower extremities respectively. The difference between two groups were insignificant(p〉0.05).



  1. 實用中醫內枓學 黃文陳(外)
  2. 實用中醫方製學 游士勳(外)
  3. 整形外枓學 大韓整形學會
  4. 中風課詮 張山雷
  5. 醫學衷中參西錄 張錫純
  6. 心腦血管病 中醫證治學 趙鴻武;王雨亭
  7. 中風條辨 張茂珍
  8. 神經系統 常見疾病 中醫診療 周紹華;周佩云
  9. 內枓學 上海中醫學院
  10. 中醫內枓學 張白臾
  11. 實用中防方治手冊 呂炳奎
  12. 內枓學 上海中醫學院
  13. 世醫得效方 危亦任
  14. 東醫寶鑑 許浚
  15. 方藥合編解說 申載鏞
  16. 韓藥 臨床應用 李尙仁
  17. 活血化瘀硏究新編 姜春華
  18. 中醫藥理與應用 王浴生
  19. 醫林改錯 王淸任
  20. 東洋醫學 v.11 no.1 補陽還五湯 煎湯液이 家兎의 血壓降下에 미치는 영향 文炳淳;柳志允
  21. 中國名醫名著名方 王云凱(外)
  22. 中醫名方應用進展 魏菊仙