Studies on the Effects of Danggieum and Ijintang on Thrombosis and Elevated Blood Viscosity

혈전증(血栓症) 및 고점도혈증(高粘度血症)에 대(對)한 당귀음(當歸飮)과 이진탕(二陳湯)의 실험적(實驗的) 연구(硏究)

  • Kim, Young-Suk (Department of Oriental Internal Medicine, College of Medicine, Kyung Hee University)
  • 김영석 (경희대학교 한의과대학 심계내과학교실)
  • Published : 1994.10.23


I selected the theory of blood stasis and wetness-phlegm among the major 4 causes of Joong Poong(C.V.A.)(wind. fire. deficiency of vital energy and wetness-phlegm) and recent etiology of blood stasis. An experimental studies were done to investigate the effects of Danggieum (removing blood stasis and promoting blood circulation) and Ijintang(dissipating wetness-phlegm) on thrombosis and elevated blood viscosity. The results were as follows; 1. The number of platelets were significantly increased in only Danggieum group. 2. Related to the amount of fibrinogen. only Danggieum group revealed some increase. but both groups revealed no significance. 3. Related to the prothrombin time. Danggieum and Ijintang groups had significant decrease. but Danggieum group revealed more significance. 4. Related to the degree of concentration of FDP, only Danggieum group had significant decrease. 5. Whole blood viscosity and plasma viscosity in lower shear rates. both groups of Danggieum and Ijintang had significant decrease. 6. Related to the amount of RBC. both groups of Danggieum and Ijintang had significant decrease. 7. Related to the change of hematocrit. only Danggieum group, and the change of hemoglobin. only Ijintang group had significant decrease. 8. Related to the change of body temperature. only Ijintang group had significant raise. 9. Related to the changes of WBC. glucose, albumin, total protein and body weight. Danggieum and Ijintang groups had each increase or decrease. but no significance. According to the above results, Danggieum had more significant effect than Ijintang on the thrombosis. and Ijintang had more significant effect than Danggieum on the elevated blood viscosity. And it is considered that it might be more effective in treating Joong-Poong(C.V.A) to take medicines regarding patient's constitution and symptoms as well as the causes of Joong-Poong(C.V.A)



  1. 東醫心系內科學 具本泓(外)
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  3. 東醫病理學(I) 文溶典(外)
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  5. 血液學實技 서덕규
  6. 鄕藥集成方 世宗命(撰)
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  20. 精校黃帝內經 洪元植(校合)
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  22. 東醫病理學會誌 v.3 血栓症 및 高糖度血症에 關한 補陽還五湯의 實驗的 硏究 金珖德(外)
  23. 慶熙漢醫大論文集 v.8 當歸鬚散이 皮下血腫에 미치는 影響 金光湖
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  33. 大韓內科學會誌 v.20 no.12 腦卒中의 病理 池堤根
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