천연색소 Brazilin의 체내동태에 관한 연구

Studies on the Disposition of Brazilin in rats

  • 발행 : 1990.03.01


Radiolabeled Brazilin(^3H-Brazilin)을 웅성 Wistar Rats에 투여하여 plasma concentration-time profile, urine 및 bile로의 배설, 조직분포 및 plasma protein에 대한 결합률을 살펴보았다. 1. Pharmacokinetic parameters는 다음과 같았다. $t_{1/2}$은 13.7 hr, AUC는 $\53.38\;\mu\textrm{g}{\cdot}hr/ml$, AUMC는 $1013.4\;\mu\textrm{g}{\cdot}hr^2/ml$ MRT는 18.95hr, Vss 17.778l/kg 그리고 CL은 936.77ml/hr.kg였다. 2. Plasma concentration-time profile에서 enterohepaic circulation을 시사하여 2nd peak가 발견되었고. 담즙배설 실험으로 확증할 수가 있었다. 결구투여 후 담즙 배설은 투여량의 64.4%가 10시간에 걸쳐 배설되었고, 3시간째 그 배설속도는 maximum을 이뤘다. 3. Vss는 17.8 l/kg으로 큰 값을 나타냈고, 따라서 뇌를 제외한 대부분의 조직에 Brazilin은 분포하였고 특히 liver와 kidney, epididymus 그리고 testis에 고농도 분포함을 알 수 있었다. 4. 경구투여량의 44.1%가 , 정맥주사 후 투여량의 62.9%가 urine을 통해 배설되었다. Urine을 통해 배설되는 양의 대부분(80%)은 24시간 내에 배설되었다. 5. Plasma protein에 대한 결합율을 한외여과법으로 측정한 결과 $40{\pm}4%$가 결합하는 것으로 나타났다.

The disposition of Brazilin including plasma concentration-time profiles, excretions via urine and bile, and plasma protein binding was investigated after intravenous or oral administration of radio labeled Brazilin ($^3H-Brazilin$) to male Wistar rats. The main pharmac:okinetic parameters were as follows; $t\;_{ 1/2}$, 13.71 hr; AUC, $53.38\;\mu\textrm{g}{\cdot}hr/ml$; AUMC, $1013.4I\;\mu\textrm{g}{\cdot}hr^2/ml$, MRT, 18.95 hr; Vss, 17778 mllkg and CL, 936.77 ml/hr.kg. The 2nd peak was found in the plasma concentration-time profiles indicating potential enterohepatic circulation. The enterohepatic circulation was supported by the bile excretion. After oral administration, about 64.4 % of administered radioactivity was excreted into the bile within 10 hours and its excretion rate reached maximum at 3 hours after administration. The Vss was extremely high, 17.8 l/kg indicating distribution of brazilin in most organs (tissues) with high concentration of brazilin in some organs. Brazilin was distributed into most of organs (spleen, adrenal, pancreas, kidney, thymus, lung, heart, liver, prostate, epididymus, testis, fat, muscle and done) except brain. High concentration of Brazilin was detected especially in liver, kidney, epididymus and testis. Approximately, 62.9% and 44.1% of the dose was excreted for intravenous and oral administration, respectively. About 80% of the dose eventually excreted into urine was excreted within 24 hr after dosing. Plasma protein binding of brazilin resulted in $40\;{\pm}\;4%$ by ultrafiltration method.
