레이저 다이오드 및 빛센서를 이용한 인터랙티브 중국 전통악기 구현

Implementation of Interactive Chinese Traditional Instrument using Laser Diode and Light Sensor

  • 양유천 (숭실대학교 글로벌미디어학부) ;
  • 이강희 (숭실대학교 글로벌미디어학부)
  • 발행 : 2013.07.17


This paper introduces what the interactive projection technology is, and how to use this technology to make a musical instrument. There have been many art works and business products completed by the interactive projection technology, but this technology seldom has been used in the musical field, so we want to make a simple instrument by interactive projection technology, and expect more people to develop this field in the future.
