- 한국태양에너지학회 2012년도 춘계학술발표대회 논문집
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- Pages.325-330
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- 2012
단상 PVPCS 출력 전류의 리플 개선을 위한 노치 필터 및 피드 포워드 제어기 설계
The Feed-forward Controller and Notch Filter Design of Single-Phase Photovoltaic Power Conditioning System for Current Ripple Mitigation
- 김승민 (광운대학교 대학원 임베디드SW공학과) ;
(광운대학교 대학원 임베디드SW공학과) ;
(광운대학교 전기공학과) ;
(광운대학교 로봇학과) ;
(금비전자 기술연구소)
- Kim, Seung-Min (Dept. of Embedded Software, Kwangwoon University) ;
Yang, Seung-Dae
(Dept. of Embedded Software, Kwangwoon University) ;
Choi, Ju-Yeop
Choy, Ick
(Dept. of Information and Control Engineering, Kwangwoon University) ;
Lee, Young-Gwon
(Kum-Bee Technical Institute, Kwangwoon University)
- 발행 : 2012.03.29
A single-phase PVPCS(photovoltaic power conditioning system) that contains a single phase dc-ac inverter tends to draw an ac ripple current at twice the out frequency. Such a ripple current may shorten passive elements life span and worsen output current THD. As a result, it may reduce the efficiency of the whole PVPCS system. In this paper, the ripple current propagation is analyzed, and two methods to reduce the ripple current are proposed. Firslyt, this paper presents notch filter with IP voltage controller to reject specific current ripple in single-phase PVPCS. The notch filter can be designed that suppress just only specific frequency component and no phase delay. The proposed notch filter can suppress output command signal in the ripple bandwidth for reducing output current THD. Secondly, for reducing specific current ripple, the other method is feed-forward compensation to incorporate a current control loop in the dc-dc converter. The proposed notch filter and feed-forward compensation method have been verified with computer simulation and simulation results obtained demonstrate the validity of the proposed control scheme.