FTA 무역환경에서의 관세행정 전략

Customs Administration strategies under FTA's trade environment

  • 발행 : 2007.06.02


The Customs Administration, unlike other administrative service, should respond to constantly changing external environment. The Customs has to actively adapt itself to government policy changes, economic changes and international environment changes to facilitate the flow of trade logistics and maintain trading relations wi th other countries. The purpose of this paper is to explain policy directions of the Korea Customs Service which enforces various policies related to tariff and non-tariff barrier elimination for the trade liberalization while the Korean government is pursuing FTAs on a multi-track basis. This paper aims to seek ways to apply FTA policies to the Korean society and economy in a smooth manner. First of all, this paper examines changes in Customs administration brought by the proliferation of FTAs to such areas as FTA negotiations, import/export management, duties and taxes collection, drawback reduction/exempt ion of duty application area of preferential tariff rate and country of origin management. Then, the paper sets FTA missions of "supporting Customs Administration to lead the new trend of free trade environment" after analyzing the environment changes. To achieve the FTA mission mentioned above, the KCS designated 4 strategies and 40 implementation tasks. The 4 strategies are named "4C Strategies" taking initial letters from Client-oriented, Customized procedures, Cooperation and Constitution. "4C" also refers to Foresee(strategies to foresee the successful establishment of FTA policies) or For C(Customer or Customs). The KCS will continue to create new tasks through various channels and monitor their implementation process, and to help FTA regime successfully take root in Korea.
