인접 구조물의 터파기로 인한 흙막이 벽체의 거동 분석

Behavior Analysis of Earth Retaining Walls on the Excavation for Contact Structure

  • 발행 : 2005.03.25


The study on the lateral earth pressure is briskly preformed for various conditions such as type of retaining walls, ground condition, and type of supporting systems. It is not simple to determine the distribution of lateral earth pressure accurately, however, because the lateral earth pressure is affected by various factors. This study is performed to analyze the behavior of earth retaining walls for new excavation contacting with existing excavation by comparing with the site measuring values before and after new excavation. On the base of observation, the distribution of strut axial forces is similar to that of ganeral earth retaining walls, but strut axial forces is increased by removal of existing earth anchors. When new excavation is performed contacting with existing excavation, the axial force of strut is decreased because of soil exclusion in the behind walls, but that force is increased after new exeavation. The analysis result show that the installation of strut in middle part makes a effect to not only 1 adjacent strut, but 3-5 adjacent struts. Also during new excavation strut axial forces is decreased by relaxation of total earth retaining wall system.
