준설시험루프를 이용한 모래-물 혼합물 배송에 관한 연구

Study of Hydraulic Transport of Sand-water Mixture by a Dredging Test Loop

  • 발행 : 2005.03.25


The efficiency of the hydraulic transport of soil-water mixtures is an important factor in designing and operating a pump & pipeline system and is directly connected with dredging cost and working period. However, the hydraulic transport mechanism in the slurry flow inside the pipeline such as frictional losses, specific energy consumption, deposition velocity has not been well established. In this study a new dredging test loop system was designed and built. It is composed of a slurry pipeline with pipes of different diameters, a centrifugal slurry pump and a diesel engine connected with the slurry pump. and equipped with modern measuring facilities that enable to measure all important characteristics of a transportation system. The objective of this paper is to discuss the efficiency of the hydraulic transport of the Jumoonjin sand-water mixtures in the dredging test loop and to present simple equations induced from the test results of the loop that can express the transport product and the transport productivity.
