Proceedings of the KIEE Conference (대한전기학회:학술대회논문집)
- 2005.11b
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- Pages.217-219
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- 2005
A Study of Power System Modeling of Small-Signal Stability Using Implicit Restarted Arnoldi Method
Implicit Restarted Arnoldi Method를 적용한 전력시스템 미소신호안정도 모델링 방법 연구
- Kim, D.J. (KERI, Power System Labs) ;
Moon, Y.H.
(KERI, Power System Labs)
- Published : 2005.11.18
This paper describes implicit restated arnoldi method algorithm and Its application to small size power systems In order to observe the salient features of IRAM algorithm. Two area system with 36 state variables and England 39-bus system with 150 state variables have been tested using IRAM, and the eigenvalue results of IRAM are compared with those of the results obtained from QR method.